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What should I do? I'm bored with my man!?

I am 25, he is 28. We have known each other for about 10 years & lived together for 4 years. When we first met, I had a BF. We broke up only because he had to move away. I have tried to date others after that, but had no luck. Since then, I moved in w/ this guy I live with now. It was fun at 1st. Now, all he does is go to work, watch TV, & sleep. He only talks to me when he wants sex & he arguees everytime I mention we need to pay bills. I have lost my appitite for sex & don't spend time with any friends (we moved to a new state, so I have no new friends yet). I feel lonely & chat online with that ex-bf I mentioned before. I have no excitment in my life. I don't feel loved anymore, even tho he says he does love me. I know he is a good guy, but he is so darn lazy! Since he has gained weight (from doing nothing, including me!), I feel like he doesn't respect me. I have asked him if we could exercise together he says NO & chane subject or ignores me again! Should I leave for a new man?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes... because he just not that into you!

    Sure he is a good guy but not resposible enough for your needs and wants.

    He could not provide you his time and not ready for solid relationship/partnership.

    Move on, simple and dont waste time while still young. Enjoy!

  • Amy M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you have been together 4 years and he hasn't married you leave now while your still young enough to replace him... As far as his actions this is normal for married couples that have been together for years the sparks come and go.. If you love him try and spice things up with him more often and then maybe he will pay more attention to you... Since your having thoughts about the ex i would assume your better off moving on the lack of commitment after four years should be enough of a reason

  • 1 decade ago

    Well see, here's the are living like married folks, but the reality is you aren't married! Makes it easier to leave, doesn't it? It does sound like he has no respect for you, so give yourself the respect you're looking for and leave. People fall out of love. And you can love someone and not be able to live with them. Aren't you happy you found out what he wants from a wife before you married him??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You make a good case for NOT shacking up without marriage...I hope other people read it and think twice before shaking up.

    Since you arent really married with him, and it sounds like he isnt receptive to working on your relationship, why do you just move out on your own?.....unless you live in Los Angeles or New Your, you can afford your own place on a walmart salary

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good God, after reading that book he probably just wants some peace and quiet!

    Just do what all you women do when you are bored with your man -- cheat. You're going to do it anyway. Typical b*** get him, you can't change him, you're bored so now you trade-up.

    He doesn't respect you because deep inside he knows what you are and he is either too stupid or too lazy to do anything about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is the old BF that you still talk to available? is he still interested in you? maybe you should pack it up and go back to him. You are not married, sounds like no kids so don't you be the lazy one too pack it up and leave.

  • 1 decade ago

    dump him...find a new guy.

    Check out the following website. It could offer some insite to your problems. It also give a birdseye view of a guy's psyche.

    Good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This guy sounds like a loser and you don't want that in your life. You can find someone better than that. Go and find youself some friends and hang out with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you need to ride a new baloney pony

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