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i need some company, God's allowing me to face many trials and i want to talk with someone?

i told this great guy i was dating we werent boyfreind/GF, that i care for him way more than he cares for me and i wanted more out of our relationship than he's willing to give. I wanted him to support me spiritually and he doesnt see things the same as me. i lost my job a few months ago, and am having a really difficult time finding a new one. Which is forcing me to leave my apartment i've lived in for two years to go share a place with someone. On top of that the women who is my second mother, is saying and doing things completely out of charecter for a women of God. Are any of you facing the most difficult trials of your christian lives. I've been crying most of the day.


if anyone wants to Im please feel free

Update 2:

no judging, i'm very cautious not to, cause the measure i use will be returned to me. NO new church either. it's like God is turning my life upside down. taking me by the feet and shaking me roughly, till nothing is left on me but my jeans and the shirt on my back

Update 3:

I'm overwhelmed at the support many of you have shown. I'll share a little more. I know i'm an overcomer, i know God's faithful. But does it seem that got that refiner's fire on super hot with some? You know when you cry out from the depth's of your soul for God to use you for HIs glory and to change you and purify you and touch lives through you. And then stuff begins to happen in your life that really pulls the rug from under you? that's what i feel like. I love Passion worship by the way. They are so amzing

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sorry to hear that, truly. I don't know what faith you are, but all I can tell you are two truths. 1) God doesn't give you more than you can handle and 2) every thing that happens to you, bad or good, is a blessing. This is according to early Christian saints. Believe me, they had rough times too. You should thank God for your troubles as they will lead you closer to Him. Maybe not right at this moment, on your terms, but on His time, He will reveal all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aw, poor girl… I’m sorry you’re having tough times. Sometimes hardships throughout life occur in the worst moments and one after another. I guess is best to face those hardships alone and try to learn the valuable lesson hidden into it. If that guy wasn’t caring so much for you -besides his lack of support- why to want him? I guess you just need love and attention, no matter who delivers it. You don’t completely explain what the problem with your second mom is, and don’t mention the circumstances about your last job. But keep in mind that won’t last forever.

    I guess this is a time to reinvent yourself, to give yourself chances and explore new horizons. Doubt everything, try everything… I guess you’ll be O.K. since you’ve an established values system. Don’t give up, many people suffer like you and I’m sure there will be more people willing to support you.

    I’m not saying the typical Dr. speeches about self-esteem, but I know you’ll be all right since you’re accepting you have a problem and need to talk to someone, I can list myself as a #1 interested to help. Nobody possesses perfect answers, but surely you’ll laugh about all this messes within really short time.

    Best wishes,


    p.s. Get some sleep, eat your favorites candies, do whatever you love most… now this time should be dedicated to you…

    Source(s): Only God and very few ones deserve our tears... nobody else!
  • 1 decade ago

    I think we have all been through some tough times. What determines our character is how we choose to get ourselves through the hard times and what the outcome will be. We can either blame someone else and not take responsibility, turn to other vices to numb the hurt (drugs or alcohol), or we can roll up our shirt sleeves and put our noses to the grind stone and work our buts off to get back to where we want or need to be. It sounds like you have a lot of faith in God, as do I but remember the old saying that God helps those who help themselves. This is so true. Don't be complacent or satisfied with where you are and just make the decision that everything is going to get better. I was in a very similar position with one small exception, I no longer had my health. I had lost my girlfriend, came down with sever pneumonia, severly injured my back and as soon as I got back on my feet, lost my job and had to move back home at the age of 25, I had litterally nothing all in the space of about 6 months. I had to make a decision and I thnk I made the right one. I just decided that that was going to be the lowest my life got. And it was. With hard work and percerverance and determination I pulled through and so will you. Just make the decision to make change and do it. With hard work and God's help you can. Hope these words help. Hope I wasn't too long winded.

  • 1 decade ago

    The dating thing: if you let him go and he comes back, he's yours. If you let him go and he doesn't come back, he never was.

    No two people, even those in long term relationships and sharing the same religion see religion in the same way. No one shares the EXACT same views. We all grew up with different experiences. I made this deadly mistake, and we both suffered. Don't impose your views on him. Ever. Let him have his space. God takes care of His own. Trust in Him.

    Too bad about the job. I prayed about that when it happened to me, because I have trust issues with God. Weird, eh? It is a test, as you say. Pray. He listens. He listened to me. He answered my prayer for a job in a way I did not expect, nor did it happen immediately. But it did.

    Not sure about the mother thing. Sound like maybe she's not supportive of your choices? My mother is a saint, so I can't really relate. She is my stronghold and still astonishes me with her faith after all being over 80 already. I am a midget beside her towering and sheltering soul.

    Crying for most of the day. Dang, girl, its hormones! You'll be right as rain in a week or so...lots of love!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah,, sometimes life deals out a bad hand, but don't let it get you down. Nothing lasts forever even though they might seem like do. This may seem trite but it's not. I have survived some tough times simply by thinking of this.

    I am not a christian, I am Buddhist and this concept of temporariness (?) is part of our philosophy.

    I asked a question here a couple of days ago asking why god would need to test us to the point of pushing us away but received no decent answers. I asked this because I believe that it happened to me. I was a Christian but left the church for something that suited me better.

    I believe that you will find your path again, but for now, don't make any major decisions that will effect four life. If you are feeling down (and who could blame you) your judgement could be effected.

    Good luck, I truly hope that you will make it through soon

  • 1 decade ago

    The past 2 years of my life have been hell. Everyone I know has changed!! They aren't the same people I once knew. This is THE most difficult period I have ever gone through in my entire life. So, I can appreciate what you are saying about people doing things out of character for a christian. In these times, try not to have alot of associates, only real friends will do. The reason for this is that our government has got most people scratching and clawing their way to the top in a frenzy to become financially stable. MONEY is why the people you know and love have changed. Be Strong.

  • 5 years ago

    John 14:6 American favourite ) Jesus saith unto him, i'm the way, and the actuality, and the existence: no individual cometh unto the daddy, yet by using me. 14 If ye shall ask something in my call, which will I do i do not see inquire from me? the position is it that your question ask about, "inquire from me", I have bypass reference study for each scripture so would love that you'll expose me the position you seen one of those commentary made by using Jesus. We believe that Jesus is the purely mediator to his Father so your assumption is defective and your affirming we do not is unfounded. The scriptures say there are 2 communities, the little flock which has countless 100 and forty four,00 (Rev 7:4) and an concepts-blowing multitude that no that's straight forward to style(Rev 7:9,14). both communities mediator is Jesus Christ and your assuming that purely those that are of the little flock are kept is defective, you want to communicate with a Witness and get your information immediately on what we believe because you're "way off" as to our beliefs!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When we turn our lives towards doing GOD's work what we don't understand at the time is that most of the people in our lives no longer fit. Try not to look at it like you are loosing things or people in your life. Look at it for what it really is, GOD placing you where you can do the most good.

    I know when I began my journey my husband and most of my friends actually tried to dissuade me. When I stood fast to my convictions they hated me. Eventually they left. The people GOD replaced them with were enlightened and spiritual teachers that helped me to the next level.

    Stand strong for what your spirit tells you is right for you. The world doesn't understand and they reject what they don't recognize. I know you have had several offers from others here to talk with them. You should talk to as many supporters as you can. You can include me on that list if you like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry you are going through these things, but don't blaim God. I know you do not think you are, but when you say it's a trail from God you are.

    The truth is if you want to turn your life around you need to think more possitive then negative. See when people think negative they draw negative to them until they either draw somebody like me (a possitive person that is lead in his life by God), a family member, a friend, or a nuetral.

    I hope this helps. May God be with you always

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm out of work also, since December. Divorced with 2 kids.

    You can E-mail me anytime. I know that Jesus loves you more than you can imagine, and wants to hold you close in his loving arms.

    Check out some music by Barlow Girl(I Need You to Love Me). Or Passion Worship Band(Sweep Me Away)

    Peace. Get a good nights sleep...after a night of weeping, Joy comes in the morning(from a psalm, I forget which one)

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