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What is your take on the no child left behind movement going on under GWB?

Here in Florida we hav FCATs. The schools here teach strictly to the testing. And since the schools that do well get more money and the schools that don't less, all the schools care about is their rating. The children of the lower scoring schools get no help monetarily for better teachers or better books. Something is very wrong with this system and more kids are dropping out. What is your opinion??


leogirl Yes your nephews are not learning. What makes you think that the FCATs are a good program? My grandchildren range from 8-16 and what they DON"T know is appaling!! History, forget it they don't test on that so they don't teach it. Geography?? They barely can find the US. Vocabulary ?after elementary school you do not hear that word anymore. Wait until they get into the higher grades and see what they don't learn because the teachers are teaching Reading, Math and how to write and essay. Everything else is secondary to the FCAT's you won't like it so much then. And even if they are very smart, if they are not good test takers it won't matter. Everything is geared to THE TESTS and that is not a good balanced education.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Something is wrong with the system; it is totally backward. The teachers that I know are very frustrated at having to cater to a mediocre standard. The brighter children are left to make their own way while the slower children are receiving special attention. Then the teachers have so much paperwork to fill out that they cannot give their best in the classroom.

    Who is teaching the kids how to manage their budget, pay their bills, write out checks, develop a life plan? No one. The parents are busy working and the teachers are busy doing lesson plans that make no sense for the majority of their students.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, anything that GWB pretends to offer to the World is not his idea he is just used to spew it out on the american sheeple and everyone else. I have come to realize that america is just a big plantation and we are what is called economic slaves, all races included, the use of a racism is a tactic that has been used to keep the human race as a whole divided. School is and has always been just a place to indoctrinate the little slaves into ways of the masters. Humans are assets and are used much like cattle,pigs, dogs, chicken, horses etc... you put the young slaves into the schools and teach them only what benefits the industrial complex or corporations, weed out the cream from the crop, place those slaves in higher positions to man the less brainier slaves, the slaves buy into the system, never even realizing that they are being manipulated. Most don't realize that america is a business not a country and that goes for the rest of the so called countries. Soon all countries will be lumped under 1 government. The process big corps use to eat up or merge with other corps is also going on with the Countries. The majority of the sheeple are so caught up in the illusion that everything is so cool, starting with how they take the minds of kids in school that, they can't see the game being played upon them. I have learned that history that is being pushed on kids is so off from being truth it would make you ill. Voting for the prez of the company for instance is just and illusion, presidents are chosen not elected, but they sure have us fooled. Keep the people divided in everywhich shape or form and while they are fighting amongst one another, we still hold all the power and control, that is done by a hand full compared to the populations. So folks no child left behind is just a front, you have bigger problems to worry about. Below is something that will give some insight on how they have been playing the sheeple like chess pieces. I can go a whole hell of a lot deeper, but I've said enough here. Enjoy!!

    Source(s): Money Masters Video, very educational, Highly recommend The occult world of commerce
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm in Florida and I support FCATs 1000%. If the school districts want more money for their kids, they they need to start educating them a little better. I have two nephews in school and I am absolutely mortified in what I hear from their mouths. Kids are dropping out because the teachers aren't teaching them and they are failing the tests. All I hear is whining about how teacher don't make enough. Considering the hours worked per year, it's not a bad salary. Money does not make a teacher any better. I also believe if you aren't happy with your job, do something else. You hopefully have the education to make the move with. No sympathy from this tax payer......

  • 1 decade ago

    A better title for the current program is "Everyone is left behind". I feel very strongly about this for the reasons that you have touched upon, as well as holding back the masses that excel. To have groups or classes in school, as it once was, is more true to life. Does NCLB make it more competitive? NO!!! It is taking all the children and moving them through the system at the same snails pace. The business community will suffer, thus causing our economy to suffer, thus causing our children to again be in the path of even more failure. America needs to be progressive in its raising and educating of its children!!! The children are our future...May God bless, and thank his Holiness that there are only two more GWB years left!! May the lord be with his successor.

    Huggs and Kisses,,,,


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  • 1 decade ago

    How about better Teachers and books beginning in the home first.!

    Parents, family & friends are the first teachers in a child's life for the first 5-6 years before they attend any school system. So if they send their child to a school system with out any educational skills or knowledge, it is their own fault that their kids are left behind or dropping out. Parents and Teachers should be equal partners in education, and if the system is wrong, the parents should get more of the blame then the school or teachers for not doing their job from the begining. (Human Nature is to blame everyone and anyone for things that went bad, instead of taking responsiblity for one's own actions)

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It isn't working and it is not being funded!

    That is an issue. You can't teach common sense. Some people test well but are not any better than someone who doesn't

    This tiered system is just another way to exclude people, not include them. But that is what Bush does well!!

    Studies have shown if you want a good MD, find one that had to bust their butt for a B rather than one who didn't have to work that hard, Seems that they make better Md's than higher scoring ones generally!

  • 1 decade ago

    The no child left behind act is a big conspiracy to normalize and standardize our children. And we should all beware because of that. But you really don't need to worry about it, because although Dubya had the intentions of making himself look good when he put it into place, he didn't realize that for it to be effective it would cost the money that would be needed for his iraq invasion plans and tax cuts to the rich.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a sham a way to appear pro-active on education, In reality

    it is a shell game hiding the same old problems

    Source(s): recent history
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any time that the corruptament seizes control of a system the result is total failure, therefore I believe that more people should place their efforts toward home schooling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First, it's an unfunded mandate, which rankles a lot of districts.

    Second, the provisos about military access has me disturbed.

    Lastly, it was another of a series of badly written laws that got pushed through without our "representatives" (whom do they represent) looking deeper into it. (Another one was that Medicare Drug fiasco)

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