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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Who thinks Bush should be Impeached?

Just wondering. And for the record, I have wanted him to be impeached from the 2nd year he was in office. I think he's an idiot. (And no, i'm not a democrat. I hate Kerry too)



1 He never should have even been president. He was illegially put into office.

2 He sunk our country from having close to no debt into the greatest debt ever seen in the US.

3 He took away more freedoms and civil liberties than any president, EVER.

4. He put us into an Illegial war that is killing 2 American Soilders every day and multiple innocent Iraqi's. The war is illegal becuase the Constitution states that we may only go into defensive wars, meaning only if they attack us first. Iraq never attacked us, therefore it is illegial. And for all you out there screaming "What about 911!!" Well do some research first. Iraq didn't do that. Thoes were INDEPENDANT terrorist groups. None of the terrorist were from Iraq. In fact, the leader of the 911 terrorists HATED the Iraqi leaders. Actually, some of the terrorist were from some of the countries that Bush tried to sell our ports to!

5 Bush is the only president to appoint conviced crimminals to his chairmen.

6 hes a total idot

49 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't matter who holds the office. Someone, somewhere in this democratic country we live in will want the President impeached.

    It's a case, you can't please everyone all of the time. So, my answer to your question is, no I don't think Bush should be impeached. Say, maybe you should run for office. Then, you would have some one in office who would make you happy all the time. (Just a little humor, don't get offended. Please?.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) If you think the Supreme Court "installed" George Bush, then guess what, twinkles? They are The Law. What they say goes. So by definition, whatever the SupremeCourt decides, is legal.

    2) We're fighting a war on terror, and we're throwing money at Kartina victims. What do you expect?

    3) What freedoms and civil liberties have been taken away?

    4) The war in Iraq is legal because Congress authorized President Bush to take military action against Iraq.

    5) So? That's not a crime.

    6) Bush's GPA is higher than John Kerrys

  • 1 decade ago

    Constitutionally, Bush W has committed more impeachable crimes than Clinton, or even the watergate scandal. Impeachment was meant to protect America from the sovereignty of one leader, and by overstepping his boundaries and enacting "laws" without following proper procedures and laws, he has moved into the realm of a monarchy. The designers of the constitution specifically warned against this type of power, which is the reason for our current system today. He has disgraced our great nation by ignoring the very system that gave him the power in the first place. But people are afraid. He has used fear and a great deal of very impressive manipulation to keep people thinking the way he wants them to. Its scary how the uneducated came out to create a historically high amount of voters during the last election, only to empower a person who acts on his own personal beleifs, not his personal responsibility as the president of the United States of America. I beleive in God, but I also beleive in our country. He has ruined our reputation among the other great countries of the world, and put us at a greater risk of attack with his war monger tactics. I am, to say the least, dissapponted in Americans for electing him. They were mislead, uneducated, and sorely mistaken when they chose to back him.

  • 5 years ago

    that's the worst case for Bush's Impeachment I easily have ever heard... a million. you want to question Bush for struggling with terrorists? i do not fairly see needs undesirable about that one. 2. the justifications we are easily struggling with is because a foul guy in Iraq became given wmds a lengthy time period in the past and then all started employing them for the incorrect causes, then would not allow absolutely everyone in to make efficient he did no longer have any extra. 3. human beings die in conflict, that is purely how that is, isn't absolutely everyone's fault. 4. many of the Iraqis do no longer hate us and are satisfied we are there. Iraq's new authorities is starting up to get administration of itself, and performed the trial and execution of Saddam almost on there personal, a wide milestone.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I am not a Republican or a Democrat, you might say I'm Independent. I vote for the man and his record. But, I did not vote for Buch, I don't care who knows. He is an idiot. He had to re-hire a speech writer from Texas because he called the people who blew up the Trade Center "FOLKS". Well, where I come from "FOLKS" live next door. He couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag and if anyone opens there eyes and ears they can find this out. Just because your from a certain "party" doesn't mean you are "smart". George, Sr., was a smart man but I'm not so sure about the sons. I have my doubts.

    Source(s): Listening to speeches, watching TV and reading articles. That's all it takes.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in the military and have been for his whole term and let me tell you i'm on my 3rd deployment with 6 months in between each one. There are many others that have done more , but the point is I love my country and the people but I HATE BUSH!! I think he has gotten us into a mess that is going to take generations to clean up. I feel sorry for the next man in office its going to take a godly individual to pull us out of the hole . I also believe that America needs to stand up and start the focus at home , you are not going to change another country's way of life you just can't do it. It would be like another country invading the us and trying to change everything but killing our people during the process , that is their country and tradition and CULTURE!! you can not change culture. So yes i agree but i also know we are screwed..

    Source(s): personal expirence in iraq.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's not that Bush shouldn't be charged and convicted of many crimes and misdemeanors, but stop for a second and think about the consequences... President CHENEY!! Holy Haliburton, Batman! That was pretty gosh darn cunning of those bastarges to have set up President Dumbarse in this fool-proof situation!

  • 1 decade ago

    This question is laughable. The only way a President can be impeached is for treason,lying under oath, or knowingly committing wrongful acts. It was not his fault the way the election went. I watched it, and he won. He has done nothing to warrant impeachment. Any moron who throws this word around against this president is not patriotic, or intelligent, or knowing of the grounds of impeachment.

  • 1 decade ago

    People who believe Bush should be impeached have two things in common ...

    (1) they don't understand that you need to demonstrate the president has committed 'high crimes and misdemeanors' and not just undertake activities they disagree with

    (2) they advocate a Dick Cheney presidency (or just don't realize the potential of unintended consequences)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your question is obnoxious. You should have asked: WHY do you think Bush should be impeached? The obvious answer to YOUR question can either be ME or NOT ME. The answer as to WHY is likely greatly varied. But as far as I'm concerned, the many deceptions (lies) and scare tactics (most involving lies) to sway the thinking of the people toward support of their actions, is the biggest reason WHY. This administration has been more involved in dividing us as a nation than bringing us together as a people. And that's just one of my reasons WHY.

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