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Why won't conservatives admit the cruelty of their social policies?

Or, Why are conservatives so dellusional?

They really seem to think they are the good guys, but all i ever see them doing is screaming for blood, and using death as the solution for all social problems.

All while they praise a god of love?

Why can't they see the consequences of their beliefs?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a good question and I don't know the complete answer.

    I have lived in a conservative upper middle class neighborhood. By the way we had a suicide or an attempt on every block, so they were not happy people. I was so adversely affected by the rigidity and the awfulness that I would never live in such a community again.

    It felt like a narcissistic place. It seemed that everyone wanted as much money for themselves as possible and then they'd all make themselves feel good by writing a $25 check to charity. These people had high up jobs and didn't have much time for a social life. They were focused on achievement and displaying wealth and not very focused on people. I remember the preacher speaking about the wealthy have about as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel does of going through the eye of a needle, but I think these people did not believe they were wealthy enough for that to apply. To them, the wealthy were the Hiltons. They just really had a sense of feeling that they worked hard for what they had and they needed what they had and that there wasn't much left over for others. I have a family member with lots of money who could give money to others in the family who could really use it, but elects not to. She would rather hold onto it than see her grandchildren get a decent college education.

    This group of people did not try to understand other people. They would state, "If I can do it, so can they" meaning that they were not responsible for helping people.

    But it really isn't just the conservatives who have bad policies and values. I think it is all relative. They have the worst values, but the rest of us Americans are not far behind. Basically, nearly all of us take vacation and buy non-necessities rather than set up health care facilities in Africa.

  • GregW
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wow. You have made some pretty generalized sweeping statements. Yes, conservatives believe in protecting our country and our families from harm. That is why they support the current war and support the death penalty for certain crimes. However, basically, conservatives believe you should stand on your own two feet and make your own way in life. Liberals on the other hand believe you need to be babysat by the government and that the government should be the determining factor in your life. Liberals love big government, conservatives like a smaller government. The present admininstration, which I mostly support, is not traditional conservative in that they are increasing the size of government and the amount of spending. Myself? While conservative, I am a registered Libertarian. I guess that means I'm almost an anarchist.

    Consequences of beliefs? Like what? Governing your own self, being self supportive without the government holding your hand all the way? The consequences of the war in Iraq will be less terrorism (if we stand United and show them that we will NOT back down). The consequences of capital punishment will mean that person will no longer threaten anybody again. Is this what you're talking about?

  • Josie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They honestly believe that what they are doing, and their social policies are correct. Many of them are out of touch with the reality of day to day life for the people they legislate for, but they HAVE been elected to office by the people. The only way to correct this is for people to get involved and to write to their law makers...or at least vote!! I think if you could cut through all of the political rhetoric of most common people, conservatives and liberals, most people would like what is best for this country but the views on how to get to that common goal are very different. Being too far to the right OR left is not a good thing for anyone, it gives some one tunnel vision and makes them unable to see outside their little world. We can all turn on the news and see the negative consequences from the actions of extremists, weather those extremists are in the right, left, related to some religious group, or some other group. Also, we as a nation need to pay attention to the people we put into office as quite often power will cause corruption. Again write to your representatives let them know you are watching and if you agree or disagree with what they are doing and why. Quite often the people we put into office can not see the consequences of their beliefs or actions, because they have not been made aware of the consequences. Make them aware.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You hypocrite. You are a typical mean spirited butch liberal who slanders instead of documenting your sources. The biggest war mongers in our history were Libs . FDR JFK and LBJ. Think that over the next time you sit down to take a leak.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Read the book by Jimmy Carter called "Our Endangered Values". I know that is a short answer but the book answers the question better than any way I could

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they just don't care. They are not interested in helping out their fellow man. They want everyone to struggle and fend for themselves, even though it has been proven that not everyone can make it like that. They are happy to see poor children dying of starvation and disease in the streets of our own nation. And it delights them to see the innocent children of other nations killed by bombs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are wrong in your assumption and your premise is false. I suspect you are in the closet and are parroting the other little boys and girl Libs to gain acceptance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Then they would be Liberals and not Conservatives!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter

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