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For Protestants...?

I am a Roman Catholic and I was wondering if Protestants believe that a man who commits murder(but was open to Jesus all the time) would go to heaven. Roman Catholics believe that you have to do good works to get into heaven. Commiting a mortal sin like murder for no reason and intentionally is a sure way to get into hell so why do Protestants believe that a murderer who felt no remorse would get into heaven because he was always open to Jesus?

Or am I misunderstanding Protestantism.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's what I always understood from my Protestant friends but I'm Roman Catholic as well so we'll have to see what others say.

    Massive Mann: Are you saying I can believe in God and then go rape, kill, or beat any person I see while lying to folks and robbing them and still get into Heaven? Scripture teaches that nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven (Rev. 21:27). Do you consider someone who is aware of God but commits all these sins and is not sorry for them to be "clean"?

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no one single "Protestant" view on your answer, but the paradigm I work under is this:

    If you are in Christ, then all your sins, venial and mortal, are forgiven -- period. However, if you are in Christ, then it is also true that God has regenerated your basic nature so that you are inclined to righteousness rather than sin. This means that there are some sins that a Christian will not, unless subjected to the most extreme pressures, commit, because it would be inconsistent with his/her new nature in Christ to do so. One such sin is murder -- a Christian generally will not murder. It's not impossible, but it is so unlikely that should a professing Christian actually commit murder, that would put his/her whole profession of faith in question -- i.e., no one will now believe that person was ever really a Christian, especially if that person is unrepentant.

    The same principle applies to all other "mortal" sins: if a person who professes to be a Christian does these things without any indication of remorse, then there is a strong possibility that his/her profession of faith is hollow and void.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a protestant. We believe that ALL SIN is worthy of death. So the person who murders is no different than the person who cheats on his taxes or who cheats at poker.

    If God were to condemn us for every sin, we would have no chance of salvation. His Son, Jesus Christ, freed us to live with a clear conscious, if we do something that cuts our own heart, we should ask for forgiveness and he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Everyone that has ever been killed on this planet was killed with God's permission. God is in charge of when people die. I have had a friend fall off a latter and die. I have had a friend who was shot 6 times and lived. It's all in God's hands, not Satan's.

    Jeffrey Dahmer's (RIP Convicted murderer) dad, Lionel Dahmer asked the judge to spare his son's life, even though he knew he was a vicious murderer. Do you think that God might have a little more love and mercy than the human father of a human KILLER???

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Protestants do not believe that a murderer goes to heaven if he was open to Jesus. However, Jesus died on the cross for the sins of everyone. No sin is worse than others. If a murderer repents of his sins and accepts God's free gift of grace by trusting in Jesus for his/her salvation and committing his/her life to God then they go to heaven. If the murderer was not sincere in his repentance and committment to live his life for Jesus, God knows (because he know our hearts perfectly), and the person will not go to heaven.

    Source(s): 1 Corthians 6:9-10; 1 John 1:2; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 2:38.
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  • 1 decade ago

    You are following false doctrine . You should not take any mans word in matters of the Bible . You shall call no one father except One that is in heaven Matthew 23:9 . The Bible is the utmost authority and No man can change that . Revelation 22:19 The catholic have been tampering with the Scriptures for too long . God bless you and your family

    Source(s): KJV
  • 1 decade ago

    The bible says "Not by works of rightiousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing and regeration and renewing of the holy spirit." So if a man commits murder but then turns away from his sin and repents and is born again as a new creature then God has erased his sin as if he had never done it. But if he didn't repent then when he died he would go to hell. The bible also says "For all have sined and come short of the glory of God" So the same applys for me and you; if you sin (it doesn't matter how big of how small; all sin is sin in God's eyes) The only way to change that is not by doing good works but by repenting and accepting God's forgivness for your sins other wise you will suffer the same thing as an unrepented murderer. and only God can forgive would sins so you don't pay for them when you die, that is why he died for us. No priest has died for you and taken your punishment upon him so you don't have to. If you owed God $10 and God could say 'pay up' or 'don't worry about it' can you come to me and say 'I owe God $10. Will you erase the debt?'

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, you are misunderstanding.

    What does open to Jesus mean? Saved?

    If someone truly is saved, believes Christ why would they commit murder for no reason and have no remorse? That doesn't make any sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    From my perspective (I do not believe in eternal salvation like many Baptists), if someone murders, that person will go to Hell unless he truely repents and starts to follow Christ in his life.

    There are some protestants that believe in eternal salvation and that if they guy was a christian and murdered someone, then he would just get a lesser reward in Heaven. I do not ascribe to this position as it seems illogical.

  • 1 decade ago

    A sin is a sin. So, unless the murderer repents and asks forgiveness for that sin in a sincere manner, he/she is still going to pay for it. People make mistakes, we are all sinners, but those who honestly repent and ask forgiveness from Jesus Christ will be delivered from Death. And if he/she doesn't ask for forgiveness for his/her sins, or does so out of routine, with no real remorse, then he/she is going to have a "flame broiled" eternity with Lucifer and pals!

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to be just open to Jesus, you must let him cleanse you. If one does commit murder, then if and when he repents, Jesus will forgive him. Of course, depending on the circumstances, that man will still face the consequences of murdering someone, such as going to jail or being executed.

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