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Why Church never learn anything since?????

Why didn't people learn to be honest, caring, respect, things like that but no When I told them honest they hated me forever, If it was accident didn't mean to hate me too, If I try to be learning how to read, becasue of my deaf life and try to fit in Hearing Church. They don't want to take the time teach me. why is that no one in church learn the bible??? Even if I asked question you people will give me stupid answer or telling me not bother going to our church. my gosh I try so hard to understand but none of it happen. and what more. I do believe in God and Jesus but plm is that People on this earth who go to church learn to pray and forgive but they don't

I being very honest no one want to deal with me wow. what a church life there.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sorry that you've encountered that type of church and its congregation. I encourage you to find someone that can translate for you. There are plenty of us hearing people that want to reach out to whoever we can. I'm hearing and for a year, I had a sign language class and 95% of the people in there were Christians who wanted to learn how to sign. That church that discriminates against you might not be the church for you but for your soul's sake, please find a church with an interpreter or even a deaf church. I love you. God loves you. Please don't give up on finding Him!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well...I guess I don't know the whole story but you are right that people who go to church should learn to be honest, be caring, be respectful, pray, and forgive. Some people are better at those things then others. Maybe you could try a different church, perhaps a different denomenation and see if you're more welcomed there.

    If you were at my church I'd try to help teach you the Bible!

    Good luck...and go Packers!

  • 1 decade ago

    People, even Christian people can be very cynical and seem uncaring at times. You need to realize that if your spiritual joy is hindered because of the attitudes of others, then you are living beneath your benefit. I don't really understand your dilema. But you need to learn to rejioce in the Lord for yourself. The Bible proclaimes that God will never leave you nor forsake you, that He is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. If all the world has forsaken you, God is still there, loving and caring for you. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    there ARE many problems like this in many churches...My best advice is to contact deaf person's associations & learn which churches are best & have services for the deaf......All churches are not the same.....Actually, forgiveness is a difficult issue, most people don't know HOW to do it....if you are WILLING to forgive, pray "God help me, to forgive, I want to but I can't, I'm willing but I need your help."

    Many people hate to hear any kind of honesty. How can they help you if they don't even know how themselves? I learned in 12-step Alanon...forgiveness is something you do for YOURSELF, NOT for the other person...they probably will not even care, one way or the other, whether you forgive them or not.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are really, really trying to be a member of a church that could care less about disability. Find a non-demination church (NOT a reborn again Christian).

    One bad experience. So try to find one that will accept you for who you are and will work with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's hard to tell exactly what is going on in your Church group. You may want to pray about what God wants in this situation. If you ask, He'll lead you. If it's forbearance because you are leaven in the group, then He'll give you the grace. If it is for you to move on, then He'll give you the grace. Whatever it is, He'll give you the grace. Just ask.

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don b-live in yooh!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll be your friend.

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