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Why do some muslim ask questions to christians?

But they don't pick christian answers, but more likely answers wrote by muslims, even if some christians actually tried to give honest and complete answers based in their faith? Are they here to try to convert people? Is it an attempt of muslim apologetics? Is it congruent and honest? Is it moral to ignore the christian answers? Why do they ask in first place? I need answers or I won’t sleep tonight.

This question is not a generalization, it refers ONLY to the muslims who do so. Anyone can answer (not that I can stop you).

I know, other people of different beliefs do the same, that's not the question though.

I am an atheist, just in case anyone wonders.


devlsadvoct: I know christians do, as I said before, want an example? There.;_ylt=AiZpz...

A question directed to "christians", and if the answer doesn't give you a clue, check the profile of the person who replied and was picked as best answer.

Update 2:

karan s: I don't think Islam hates christianity. Do you? Even though I think some people aren't congruent about what they ask.

Update 3:

Biomimetik: A good example of apologetics that's not related with what's being asked. Not surprised from you, though.

Update 4:

afshin *: Those answers do represent the christian views, you asked a question to christian and a christian answer would be the best pick. If you couldn't decide, put it for voting. I wonder if you really cared about what they had to say or you wanted them to say "Yes, it's true! I'll convert to islam!". Several cultures, religions and mythologies claim to have fulfilled prophecies. You are being incongruent.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do some christians ask questions of muslims and then choose the christian answerer as best answer? They are promoting their own interests. Each side believes they are showing the other the errors of their ways. They do not take into account the depth and honest thought of an answer despite what belief system it comes from.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians have a history of deception and distortion that spans centuries. In days gone by, their efforts directly supported the aims of imperialist powers bent on conquering lands and destroying the way of life of any indigenous people. Today, they are more subtle, but their goal is still the same: To trick, buy, or otherwise win converts - by any means necessary. God-Willing, their devious methodologies and pseudo-scholarship will be thoroughly exposed and refuted.

    One of their un-Godly methods is to team up with disbelievers, war criminals, Nazis and down right ugly convicted criminals, to work for them as smokescreen. This is evident today in the recruitment of the US army and, the blood path we see in Iraq and Palestine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ur worried bout a a religion hating christianity even though ur not christian?I think u just have a hate for the religion.Hey im not amuslim thoguh so ur getting an answetr from a neutral guy(nor am i christian)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    nicely, as I realize it, the Muslim reaction is akin to the Christian one. they word of human beings as having the challenge, yet say you won't be able to do it, this is forbidden, or Haram, this is the word excellent? What both also do is face up to replace, the idea being that they are protecting the sanctity of the truth. In Islam, I understand, you ought to paintings on your salvation. In Christianity, in case you attempt to paintings on your salvation, you overpassed Grace. You reported the truth although, each and every now and then, I trust you.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    the only reson that I picked that answer is becouse non of the other answers satisfied the point in my question. for example i asked about lots of miracles in the qoran and some said these are coincidences, that really doesnt make sense ,or ....

    I respect all the other answers but when they didnt satisfy the point , i chose the one which did.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because muslims/christians/jews/hindus, etc. only want to hear and support answer that corroborate with their beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what are you talking about?????

    Look on this board. All I see are christians attacking muslims.

    can you provide an example of what you are talking about?

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