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rice kid asked in Science & MathematicsMedicine · 1 decade ago

natural remedy against mosquito bites?

Got bitten a few places, but don't have any cream or anything against it at the apartment. Anything i can do other than suffer until they go away?


by the time i could check for u ppl's answers, it was already gone, so i couldn't test out any of these.

Up to u ppl to vote based on experience!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Really Hot Water. Soak it with a wet towel or run it under the tap.

    Heat releases the Histamine in your skin that causes you to itch!

  • 1 decade ago


    Salt and Lemon


    Splash a few dropps of lemon on the site of irritation and then add table salt. Instead of scratching, rub the salt on the mosquito bite and it will make the itch go away. You might consider caring salt with you so that if worse comes to worse and you cant stand the itch, then you can sprinkle some and rubb.

    Being a man contrary to what the other answerers belive isnt about THOUGHING it out. How dumb, if it hurts you fis it and if it itches you find a way to make it go away.

    So be a man and sprinkle some salt, make sure your hands are clean, since you dont want to infect the site. The more you scratch the more it will itch.

    Icing it should help too since this will numb the area.

    Stupid mosquitos!

  • 1 decade ago

    A few years back a druggist began to sell Vitamin B-1 as skeeter tabs.

    Seems the thiamine in them kept the skeeters away, or so he said.

    At any rate, I take B-1 about every 5 hours in the summer, and they do seem to help. Also, stay away from sugar.

    One more thing - there are little rectangles powered by a watch battery that you put on your shirt collar; the buzz noise from them keeps skeeters away. And they do work. Ask at a camp supply place.

    Source(s): Just old age and experience. And raising two boys who loved to camp and be out of doors in summer. You might research "mosquito repellents" and see if the little machines turn up. They do work!
  • 1 decade ago

    Suck it up, and be a Man, don't scratch, it'll go away in a few minutes. I went fishing with my dad the other day and there were mosquitos left and right I got bit all over and of course I scratched but then I stopped and I did not think about it and they went away. Good Luck:)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Use the smelling salt (aromatic) ammonia. Or ammonia spirits, whatever it might be called. Use a q-tip to spread the liquid. It stings for a couple seconds but it cools down nicely. So it might help stop the itching. But don't pick or scratch at 'em... they're trying to heal! Buy it at a drugstore.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really the price you pay for disturbing nature, you just need to tough it out and learn from your mistake. Wear repellent, it does work.

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard if you make an X with your nails on the bump, it stops itching.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cut your [insert bitten area here] off....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    come works for me and it clears pimples too

  • 1 decade ago

    guava leaves. mashed or bioled!

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