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Why take your dislike of America in Iraq out on Soldiers doing their job?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who are you talking to. I think the soldiers are doing a good job and should be praised for their time in Iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because, how easy is it for people just to turn it to the news and listen to the media complain and bash the soldiers and President Bush about what they're doing. So naturally after hearing it so much people's first instinct is if every news channel is going to agree they must be right so they think our soldiers are doing all these horrible things to the people in Iraq that they start complaining about them trying to do their job when yes bad stuff does happen in Iraq but so does good news its just that the media doesn't report any of it. So then American people think that we aren't doing any good in Iraq and that we are the bad guys(so to speak) and that the terrorists are the good guys. I hope this answers your question

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not dislike the American soldiers (even if there are stupid and delinquent GIs...they arent the Army's cream of the crop). Yes they really are just doing their jobs (courageously and diligently I may add)...which many soldiers worldwide are also doing. People are either just too stupid and ignorant to care about the soldiers who they immediately blame because they are there on the ground instead of Bush and Co.(who should take the responsibility for this moronicly-handled war) or they are really terrorists in disguise who are attempting to make the Yanks look bad.

    (P.S. expect more anti-US bullcrap to hit this question...its happened before)

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't group all the soldiers together. You don't know them all. That was a select few soldiers who acted in such an inhumane way. I do not agree with it and I feel they should face any and all consequences for their actions. But what you aren't hearing on the wonderful TV programs is the humanitarian aid the soldiers are providing. I know for a fact that these things are happening because my husband tells me about it in every letter that he writes and every phone call he gets the opportunity to make. That is not the "exciting news"... it doesn't get the ratings. Most of these men and women don't want to be there but they have chosen to go to provide for their families. Before you group all of the soldiers together be very cautious. Tell me... do you think those terrorists would treat our innocent citizens with respect? Hrmmm, do we recall September 11, 2001?

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  • 1 decade ago

    To all of the jerks who think the war is our soldiers fault... SCREW YOU. Go blame Bush. That's who's fault it is. The soldiers are just doing their JOB. No one tells you that you're making America fat because you work at McDonald's, so don't tell our soldiers that they're wrong for being in Iraq.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are right, some people are doing this.

    It's not fair.

    We are all looking for someone to complain to, so we search for who is responsible.

    Somehow we seem to live in a world where everyone is responsible and yet no one is responsible. People think of themselves as individuals but they see others as members of 'something' (whatever that something is).

    Probably the people who speak badly of American soldiers see the soldiers as an extension of Secy of Defense, Rumsfeld.

    As you know, most ordinary people do not have direct contact with Rumsfeld, but they come in contact with soldiers in uniform.

    It's not a big stretch of the imagination to see why someone might criticize someone who wont disagree publicly with Rumsfeld.

    It would be helpful to see more soldiers and military figures disagree with Bush's policies, then the people doing the criticizing could see that the military is made of individuals.

    We are all caught up in Bush's war, like it or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Their job????? Does that include torturing prisoners in Abu Gharib? Does it include bombing whole neighborhoods with civilians inside? Does it include killing unarmed civilians in cold blood then covering it up? Raping a fifteen years old and then killing her and her whole family to cover it up? And those stories are the few we heard of, how many more do you think and were not reported? We are not blaming the soldiers for the first phase of the war, but their handling of the occupation has nothing to do with Bush or any one else, it is their own behavior.

    Just think if a foreign army invaded your country for the actions of your president and then killed your friends and family in cold blood .

    Following orders is NOT an excuse or else we shouldn't have put the Nazi generals and officers to trial after WWII.

  • 1 decade ago

    oo-rah to that. Someone asked who's doing this? Just about every single feel good tree hugger out there. That's all I hear about now, how their "opposed to the war and the troopes fighting it". SCREW YOU *** HOLES!!!!! Support our troops or leave the country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Um... its called war and its what soldiers are supposed to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why make such assumptions? Are simply quoteing the Republican line or do you actually think for yourself?

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