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Bee asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

do you feel that Bush made the whole world hate America more?

after the American war against Iraq and his continous attitudes against Palestinians .. and reall peace the one he knows nothign about!

28 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Be careful with the question.

    I wouldn't say people hate America per se; however, they hate the government for sure.

    It also depends on what country you happen to be in: Europeans laugh at Bush mostly due to our cowboy diplomacy, Middle Easterners dispise him (again this depends on which country you happen to be in), and South Americans can go either way, although they, too, are not very fond of Bush and the Gang.

    One thing is certain: as long as we have remarks like the former one 'cleanin out terrorists', I guarantee you people will hate more Americans than just the president.

    Source(s): One who's been around
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I do think he's a detrimental affect on how Americans R perceived.

    But any1 with an ounce of sense can tell the Difference between GW Bush & UR average Yank who's just trying 2 get by put a roof over their families head & earn a crust.

    We R all but Mushrooms.

    Fed on BULLSH!T & kept in the Dark.

    Some Yanks believe everything GW says some however have seen thru the lies/media hype & know A PRAT when they C 1!

    We're all more likely 2 B outraged by an Israelis than a Yank, right now.

    As it turns out not all Yanks knew where their Tax dollars were going! How many Billions have gone on bombs 2 Kill Arabs?

    U cannot all B GW, so don't even try 2 defend him, he's the 3rd Anti Christ & taking the whole world 2 hell!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How could it not be true? Listen to us here. Less than half of the people on any Yahoo venue like Bush, and we're almost all Americans!

    The people overseas who didn't like us before absolutely despise us now. The ones who were middle of the road almost all loathe us and our arrogance, now, too. And what's sad is, it's not really us, it's the nincompoops in office, who may or may not have even been elected. The first time or the second time around.

    We're all Guilty By Association. Associated with @$$holes.

    I forget your name, but where in the world have you been traveling that 99% of the people love Americans? Only Amsterdam and Thailand seem to have any great love for us, and that's only because we spend so much money there. There used to be a true love for us overseas. Now it's forced and phony, bordering on fear. My company advises management folks to say they're Canadian whenever they must travel to our overseas offices, and they're in Japan, which is also about as close to a friend as we have. My brother and sister-in-law were spat upon in England. Almost everyone there feels exactly the same way about Tony Blair that half of us feel about George Bush, and they blame America as a whole, not just the Bush Administration. Sadly, this is our closest ally.

    Yes, I have no doubt that Bush has made the world hate us more, but he has many copilots, some in high places, but mostly in lower ones. Economically and intellectually.

    One thing is certain. Absolutely no one can say with any conviction or a straight face that George Bush has in any way improved our stature in the eyes of the world. Everything George has touched has turned to sh*t. He's a fecal King Midas.

  • 1 decade ago

    The other poster got it right. Most Bush bashers are ignorant and have been spoon fed anti bush propaganda from the left leaning media outlets. I too have traveled and encounter NO ANTI "I HATE USA" crap. What the worlds need to remember is they need the USA far more than we need them. The economy of the USA is the crown jewel of the global economies. If our economy has so much as a hiccup every financial district on the planet has a hiccup. If terrorists are seccussful in smashing our economy all other economies would drop like flies. It would be a tglobal crisis like never before. Instead we get euro trash stabbing us in the back with one hand while the other hand is held out for medicine, food, technology and on and on. I believe the world as we see it today will be vastly different in just 25 years. We feed half the world. As soon as there is a diaster in the world we help out. Even if it is our enemy. Times are a and see.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The United Nations was created to help stop tyranny in the world. Bush only uses it when he has to. For example, he bypassed the UN by going into Iraq before WMD were found. Bad decision because they never were found. Makes us look really bad to the United Nations AND other world leaders. Now with our backing Israel, again, it makes us look poor due to the fact that Israel has killed a whole lot of innocent civilians and threatens the democratic status of Lebanon. Our Secretary of State, Condaleeza Rice, states that Israel has the right to defend itself against Lebanon. So Lebanon held a couple of Israel soldiers hostage, did it justify killing 200+ civilians in Lebanon? What kind of foreign policy are we creating here? Did you know that many nations will not welcome Secretary Rice into their country? That should be some kind of a hint as to what other nations think of us as a super power. Our status is dwindling fast here.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are not stupid enough to judge Your whole country for the actions of Bush.People who do that are just wrong.

    We will always respect and love the American people no matter who's your president.You helped us out a lot in the past and will always be considered a friend.

    We stand together in the struggle against terrorism and we will win.Bush is just a temporary nuisance and I admit I would love to see him go.He does treat other countries with disrespect and yes we liked Bill Clinton much more.Because he treated us with respect and as equals.

    But like I said we don't blame America as a whole for that and we certainly do not hate America.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The 9-11 terror attacks on New York and DC were a prime example of how the world felt about the United States. Bush was one year into his first term. The world already hated America and Americans, and if we dont deal with them they will deal with us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush is too stupid to do this alone,its the Skull and Bones Club and the Nazis in the White house and Congress that have turned the world against America.Its all about The New World Order and oil and profit.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only Bush, but some of his country men have made the world to hate Americans.

    But Do Americans care?

  • 1 decade ago

    Others in the world have hated the U.S. for a long time, before Bush came. For instance, why do we call our selves Americans when there are people in other parts of North America, Central America and South America? These people are Americans too.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are ignorant and foolish. The whole world does not hate America. I have traveled extensively around the world -- Africa, Europe, Scandanavia, Middle East, etc. 99% of all foreigners I have encountered love America and Americans. They do not hate us. This is a myth and a lie that idiots like you keep spreading...

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