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What's something fun to do with my girlfriend that is free or low cost?

We are broke college students in Little Rock, but we need fun stuff to do together. Low-cost is good, but free is better.


She's not high maintenance, but she does like nice things. She doesn't care if money is spent or how much, she just cares that we get out and do something.

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Write her a poem,cook her dinner,pick her flowers,take a drive in the car just you and her and talk and hold hands,go to the dollar movie,share a candy bar with her,watch a old movie with her and cuddle, go on a hike,take a walk in the park,play a card/board game(and let her win lol),take her to get shaved ice,get her nails done...etc Good luck! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, I'm good at that one, first of all if you do have a little money,go down to the local store get some drink's and go for a drive out in the country or the beach, take long walk's, hang out with an old movei at you home or her's.

    Just be togeather and take time to know each other, find out what she like's to do and do it.

    I know what I did, I had enough money to buy some hot dog's or already bake chicken and sat out by a like and watched other people swim or boat,

    Be creative, just being with the one you like or Love is all you need, it that is not good for her, maybe you got the wrong girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a broke single mother and I'm always looking for great ideas to do with my guy. So I started to do a little looking online for some ideas and ran across this website. It's totally awesome! It will give you great ideas for anything and eveything. Check it out and I hope you can get some great ideas for now and the future!

    Source(s): look for cheap date ideas
  • 1 decade ago

    its tough to find things to do after a while but from my experience

    low cost:


    Mini Golf

    Minor League Sporting events (or college sports if not free)

    Skating rinks (ice and roller)\


    Town events (car shows, etc.)


    Sex :)

    Walking around Parks, rivers, malls, etc.


    Hanging out (make sure you talk to each other alot)

    strip poker

    be creative, set up romanitc things for her, ie rose petals and candles in her dorm room while shes away, have just romantic time alone together, you dont always have to be doing something

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know much about where you live but here (WI) all of the museums, zoos, etc have discounted and free days. There are also a lot of festivals and things to go to as well. If you guys are into clubs look online for the nights when ladies are free or there are specials.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Indoor Skindiving

  • 1 decade ago

    Have sex. Or, if you actually want to go, you can go to a cheap @#$ theatre and go see a second run movie. Or you could go walking in the park and try not to get beat up by the supa ghetto thugs walking around. Or you could go and shoplift at the local's so fun and you end up with MORE STUFF...FOR FREE!!!! YES!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    walk in the park, or go to a zoo or something along those lines...another thing is the, ah-la-"half-baked", go for a walk and then it an icecream shop to cool down. Average cost = $10 bucks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to the beach and watch the sunset or watch the sunrise. Nature is beauty and free.

    Or you can go volunteer your time for a worthy cause. Helping the less fortunate can bring joy not only to yourself, but to others too!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    take a walk go to a fast food like taco bell get a movie from your local library and watch it drink sodas and sit in the park together go car riding

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