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Who can explain this... French refuse to enter war until fighting has stopped?

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has invited countries willing to join an international force in Lebanon to meet in New York on Monday to begin planning, even though its mandate has yet to be set by the Security Council.

Major powers say the force cannot deploy before a cease-fire...

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Tour de France winner Floyd Landis denied on Thursday taking performance-enhancing drugs during the race and said he would fight to clear his name after testing positive for the male sex hormone testosterone," Reuters reports.

    Only the French would consider the presence of testosterone in a man's system suspicious.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unless you have a lot of people in your army who you want to get rid of what would be the point. Israel doesn't listen to the request by the UN to a 3 day ceasefire order so that humanitarian aid can get in so will they listen to a French soldier? I doubt it. The point of entering the war is to insure that fighting once stopped doesn't start up again. The French are not stupid, you watched the world cup on television didn't you, France almost won, so what makes you think they are second rate? I know soccer isn't war but they just don't take part in any war going on around the world, they try to mind their own business which I cannot say is true for alot of other countries who go medling into everyones business.

  • 1 decade ago

    An international Force show meet to try to achieve Peace, not to use the armed forces.

    Nothing good can come of an International Force if amred.

    Is anybody thinking about the civilian in Lebanon?

    Or in Iraq, for that matter?

  • Agathe
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    France is a friend of Lebanon from years (do you know that 45% of Lebanese people speak French ?) why should France "enter war" ??

    France would go there to help to maintain peace, not to fight, France is not a pro-Israël country.

    Maintain peace must begin with a cease-fire.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know France anymore. They gave us the Statue of Liberty. We worked together to beat the Engligh in our Revolutionary War. We bought over one third of the land in America from France in the Louisianna Purchase. We saved them from the Nazi Regime. But lately, I don't know who France is. I DO know that they have many muslims living there now. They almost burned Paris when the Muslims rioted and burned cars, etc. not too long ago. Maybe...just maybe the Muslims have something to do with who France is now. You think?!

  • 1 decade ago

    Didn't the French Invade England in 1066?

  • 1 decade ago

    if any country goes in without a ceasefire it could mean being involved in the war themselves, probably against Hezbollah.

    I can just imagine, if the U.N. had been around in WW I and tried to get onto no-mans land, while each side were still blowing the cr*p out of each other.

    Source(s): just a thought
  • 1 decade ago

    If the French entered a war before it was over they would lose.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is probably a cowardly way for those countries to be able to send in troops after the fighting is done and say "Well, atleast we did something."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like French women! ohlala! They can make the night burn like fire!

    But the men are weenies on the international stage.

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