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Lorla asked in Food & DrinkBeer, Wine & Spirits · 1 decade ago

Did I have a hungover?

I had 2 jello shots, (I think it was strong whiskey), 1/2 bottle fuzzy navel peach cooler, and 1/2 bottle of Mike's Hard Berry cooler, and about 7 sips of Mudslide. I never drank in my life, And I wanted to try it out at a party over Memoral Day Weekend. I got a headache for that night. But the next morning I didn't have any hangovers, so it wasn't too bad. I just promised that I'll never drink agian, because I hate headaches! Did I have a hungover, and was that a lot to drink?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well... if you just rememberd ths 2 minutes ago and realized it was actually 2 months ago, yes

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That wasn't a lot and no that wasnt a hangover. Hangover implies that you have effects the next morning carrying from what happened that night. Since it happened all that night, it's not carrying over anything. What you had was just simply mild reactions to ethanol poisoning.

    When you get a hangover, you'll DEFINITELY know it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That was not much to drink. Second of all, if you felt fine in the morning,

    then I would not consider that a hangover. The night before, you stated that you did not feel good. That would be understandable. A mixture of many drinks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait a min, guys!! This young lady is 21 years old. Yes, Lorla, it's hangover not hungover, but who hasn't made a spelling mistake in their lives? At least she got the point across, better then some people I have read their questions.

    I know Lorla, and she is my sis. So if you want to belittle her because of ONE missspelled letter, then you don't need to answer her at all and you can bug off!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes, you did get a hungover...having a headache means you are suffering from doesn't matter how much you drink, it's how much you can stand/tolerate the alcohol that's matter..

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all...Practice makes perfect..You need to slowly build up a drinking attitude that will give you the love and admiration of all of us other drinkers.. We need you on our team so please don't let the teetotlers get to you. After all, we do have all of the fun.


    Drinkers of the World

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe a hangover, but not a hungover.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are making idiotic, childish, incoherent posts such as this, you should not be drinking to begin with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago




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