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old hippie here-with a question for all-?

i noticed how green and beautiful the mountains were and was wondering if it was the same were you are this year?--------------love nad hugs keep the peace spread some light -old hippie here

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh yes! Its the best time of year for my mountains also. Even most of the seasonal streams and washes are flowing. This morning after a huge downpour I went to the edge of the creek that runs down the canyon behind my house and listened to and felt the pure energy of the rushing water. The water was carrying all the debris of the desert down from the mountains from blackened wood from the fires two years ago to mesquite tree branches, and churning up foam that collected at the sides. You could smell this rich deep earthy smell of the muddy water in addition to the wondrous unique smell of the wet desert plants and soil. You could feel huge stones being tumbled down the stream bed shaking the earth as they rolled. Feeling one with this immense power of mother earth is incredifantasmagorically awesome! Oh, I just can't talk about it enough!

  • 1 decade ago

    I live on the top of a mountain just outside of Belfast Northern Ireland and it is just beautiful here. Lots of lush grass and wild flowers growing in the hedges, horses running about in the fields and birdsong everywhere. The only problem with birdsong these days is that the birds rarely "sing" like they used to, they mostly copy mobile phone ring tones a downside of evolution I guess.

    It has been warm and sunny here tho today we had a little thunder, Lightning and rain, but on the whole it has been great to see my elderly cat going out in the sun and acting like she's a kitten again- even if I DO have to climb onto the garage roof to rescue her.

    We are in the process of buying a houseboat and have spent a lot of time by the sea recently and on Thurs night it was like a mirror. So smooth and calm. I think I'm really lucky to live here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Naw I live in a river valley -- and never see the river! LOL The only time I ever see it is when I drive over it on the highway. Unfortunately, however, the river is so polluted people probably aren't even allowed NEAR it nevermind in it to swim or fish, LOL. However, last night was a gorgeous clear night where I was. Night was just starting and the night sky by the horizon looked bluish-green, fading into a rich blue higher in the sky. I think last night was first quarter moon (or close to it) so the Moon was a beautiful crescent shape! It was so beautiful I couldn't help but close my eyes and take in the beauty of it all, and feel blessed. I blew the Goddess (of the Moon) a kiss.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Old Hippie! Georgia GAl here. I will definitely take that answer of yours into consideration. Not to beautiful where I live. Getting to cityfied. My sister lives an hour north of here though in the North Ga Mountains. It's always pretty up there. Especially in the Autumn. The colors are so beautiful I wish I could paint it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You must be in the east if your mountains are green and beautiful. Here in Nevada, the mountains may be beautiful, but they sure as heck aren't green. Looking out my window, they are black and gray with occasional outcroppings of bleached white rock. Keep on truckin', old hippie.....old failed beatnik/hippie here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's green and beautiful here as long as we keep watering.

    right back at ya on the peace thing old hippie

  • 1 decade ago

    There are no mountains where I live, but the green grass and colorful flowers are very lovely. The Goddess is so beautiful it sometimes makes me cry. Blessed be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope. The power went off at where I work so I went home. Woo hoo! That is just as good because now I am comfy and with air conditioner.

    I cannot believe Sho-Nuff lives in Florida. That is so unfair. I lived down there for seven years and graduated H.S. and got my B.A. there. Though I got my M.B.A. in Nebraska and froze my hiney off for a few years! Hmmm...Maybe we went to rival schools! Or the same school!

  • Everything here is green and beautiful, but according to the drought map at 60% of the United States is experiencing drought. And that probably extends to Europe, since much of Europe is experiencing a heat wave.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in the Northeast--and I have noticed how splendidly rich and brightly green the mountains and woodsy areas are this year. I wonder why?

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