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Do these people have any right to get their undies in a twist?

Have you noticed that there are a small group of idiots that come on Answers and ask stupid questions, make objectionable statements, and are generally pathetic ... and then when people stand up to them, or report them, they turn aggressive and nasty?

Children have full access to the questions and answers on this site, and I think that we have every right to report people who are obscene and abusive.

What right do people have to attack other users, when they are the ones not following the community guidelines and causing offence?

Should Yahoo be providing better protection for those people who are willing to stand up against such negative users and keep Answers free from abuse?

What do you think?


So that you understand, I was abused VIA ANSWERS TO MY OWN QUESTION ..



bluetygercat said:

what are you dumb? you have alot of nerve talking to people you don't know that way!,any god damn time you want to say that to my face, just come and see me!

now, go get a life!, ya falldown

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are totally right.Some people should control themselves.And Yahoo should have better system of report/abuse.

    There really are lots of kids around here and there are REALLY a lots of arguing,nasty words,abusing.Maybe this could posibliy help:;_ylt=AgGlNBT53...

    That is a profile of one guy that is making Yahoo better.If you are seriously into this,and you honestly feel what you said,maybe you could write an e-mail to him.

    I've learned to ignore all the ignorant people around here.Because there are just so many here.But there certainly does NOT stand:If you can't beat them-join them!

    I just stand beside till they "chill out" a little bit... ( :

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they shouldn't be over-reacting like that. They are just as capable of reading community guidelines as anyone else. And they know the consequences. So when they start acting like that, they should accept the fact that they can be reported. They act as if they are above the laws in Yahoo land.

    I don't know if Yahoo is able to provide better protection than it currently does. I'm guessing that Yahoo is able to ban IP addresses sometimes. But some of the people are probably connecting to the internet from a public place. And to ban public IP addresses would be unfair to innocent users. Also considering the fact that Yahoo Answers is a free service, employees might have inadequate resources to deal with troublemakers.

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with what you are saying especially when it come's to the children.

    However, Unfortunatly and fortuantly there is such a thing called "freedom of speech", and on such a site as Yahoo answer's there could be complications of altering or disqualifing someone's responce or question however dimwitted, rude, or obsiene it may be on those very grounds, especial in today's world of "on call" lawyers that litterally live on that kind of thing.

    But i also belive if you have a child on the internet use the parental control's and observe what they read or see so that if there is a child here then it can be dealt with on the parent's own parenting.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't like the question or answer, move on. You are under no obligation to read anything. Get over yourself!

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  • 1 decade ago

    hey hun....i agree with you completely....misery loves company and they must be some pretty lonely people...this is called yahoo answers not yahoo's looser line....i guess some people will never mature and as always stupidity holds many titles....thanks for posting this q daisy

    Source(s): life
  • 1 decade ago

    better protection from the really vulgar yucky ones would be a good thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    yours truly

    little 9-year old Rebecca

  • 1 decade ago

    I have an idea for you: Don't read their questions.

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