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Easy 10 points!!?

Tell me your name, age and the funniest thing thats ever happened to you. The funniest one gets best answer.



Dont worry about whether I'll think its funny or not. If you think its funny then go for it. I like people who arent afraid to take their chances.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    david-14- i dont know how funny this is but here i go.........i play indoor soccer, and while i was running with the ball up the court/arena i leaned against the wall and fell out of the court/arena, the part i leaned against was the door to get in the court/arena and it was unlocked....i fell flat on my face and everybody laughed at me the rest of the night...sorry if thats not good enough!

  • 1 decade ago

    Melissa and the funniest thing that ever happened to me was when I was young and my grandma was fitting me for some elastic pants. The pants were huge (it looked like I was wearing a dress upside-down) I laughed so hard I was crying.

  • 1 decade ago

    My name is "Kitty"


    And the funniest thing that's ever happened to me was at school. (This is more a visual story, so bear with me.) First off, I was at a highschool where there were two types of people - geeky people trying to be normal, and little old me. Next, I had an extremely devout, and overly political staff which had to deal with me. Okay, now we got things straight. This highschool was located on a college campus which is somwhat famous for having gothic students, or at least, very odd people who go there. As a pariah in my highschool, I used to hang out at the college with some friends of mine, and we'd all be dressed in our (for normal standards) dark clothes, and talk about random things. I began to get really tight knit with the kids there, so I decided that I should bring some of them over, because one of them knew a kid from my highschool. There were three of us, me, a girl with electric blue hair and vinyl/latex looking clothing with fishnets and commando boots, and a blonde with a long black trench coat, a wicked knife on her neck, and lots and lots of silver jewlery. (People say it was a sight to behold.)

    20 minutes later, the freshmen class pointed at the three of us and shouted "DON"T KILL US! OH DEAR GOD! THE GOTHS ARE COMING! WE SACRIFICE ONE OF OUR OWN!" and carried the least popular kid in that class off the soccer pit and closer to us. And so, we received the first human sacrifice in my highschool's history. The end.

  • 1 decade ago

    david 42

    i was camping with my daughter..iam in a wheelchair...and we were checking out are accomplishment at putting up the tent..I put the tent facing the river which was about 30ft below us..well as we were checking out are tent i backed up too far and fell down the i go wheelchair and all backwards down this hill into a river..the whole time i was falling all i could look at was my chair..i was so worried about it..well splash i go, and splash my wheelchair goes..luckily we fell into the side of the river that wasnt all that deep or swift..but i looked up at skye.(my daughter) and she was laughing her head i was all miscombobalated and here she is laughing her head off...People were all running toward me, here she still was laughing her head off..course by now, i was...anyway to make a long long story short...that was my funniest thing thats ever ever happend to me..and my daughter...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my name is lafonda,age 13 an the funniest

    thing that happend to me is when i went to camp and we did all these activites so i picked salilng for one. so we had to go out like really far out in the ocean and the waves were really big and my cousin was there and we were taking to each other and i keep saying saying courtney i am going to tip help me but she didnt she was laughing the waves were so big so the boat was tiping over i jump put i ended up in under the boat i didnt know what to do so i am under there saying help and pushing the boat but yeah after like 20 min i swam under the boat i asked my cousin didnt you see me she was still laughin yeah i seen you but i wasnt about to get out this boat then the lady said you have to try and get back in the boat i said lady i almost killed myself and you want me to get back in that boat yeah right

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi. Im Chef_Nevins. Im 564 years old. One time i made tauntaun milk come out of Darth Vader's rebreather. Oh man he laughs at everything.

  • 1 decade ago



    And the funniest thing that's happend to me has to be I was trying to scare my mom and it turns out I got bored started walking down the hallway and my mom jumps out of nowhere and screams,"Gotcha!!!!!" So ofcourse I scream back because I was startled,shocked,and scared.

  • 1 decade ago

    My name is Erick and the funniest thing that had happen to me was that me and my cousin engaged in chemical warfare ie."Fart" warfare lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    Played with a lighter when I was little,

    Almost burnt the house down.

    I burnt the floor though.

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