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You might be a Jehovah Witness if..............?

If you go to home depot walk down the aisle where the doors are displayed and feel compelled to knock.


I used to be one and I could care les if I offend you. Cause you could care less that you are brain washed and ruin peoples lives with your beliefs. You serve your religion and not God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update 2:

Go cry on jah hoo!!!!

Update 3:

Besides I never said dumb. I said "feel" compelled. Understand???? what compelled means??? My dad is one and he thouhgt it was funny. He's been one for 35 years.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm in the Jehovah Witness Protection Program.

    I know what it's like!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's not very funny because i'm one of jehovahs witnesses and we r not dumb to go and knock on a door that isnt where anybody lives.......besides when we knock on doors its only to save your life because if you havent noticed we are living in the time of the end and armaggedon is coming fast...besides i bet u remember all of the bible stories well let me recall a fact when noah went from door to door to tell everyone that God was going to flood the earth and destroy all of the wicked well what did they do...they laughed and closed the door in his face and what happened to them :THEY DIED now if u wish to keep making jokes on someone who is trying to save your life then go ahead then u wont make it through armageddon and dont think that u wont be alive when it comes cuz u will...the bible says that the people who are not dead will see what happens and their eyes will pop out of their heads from what they see (literally) as Jehovahs Witnesses we are only doing what he asked us to do and maybe u should think about doing the same because the time is drawing close when all of the wicked ones will be destroyed also the one who do not pay attention to the signs that the end is coming. I know that what i'm doing is right in God's eyes and i dont really care what other people have to say about me i am going to continue this work and i will live forever...if u wish to talk more be free to email me at any time i will love to tell u what the bible says about persecution and who will do it and why they do it and what religion is the right one and if u read the bible it says that only 1 religion will be left standing when armageddon is over Hmmmmmmm and i wonder which one that will be out of all the millions of religions.Well isnt that something to think about

  • 1 decade ago

    Now that was funny!!!!!! I usualy just send my biggest wolf after them and then make them get back out of the car and pick up all the crap they just threw on my lawn while they ran screaming for the car. I find that quite entertaining also! (so does the wolf)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago





    chihuhuhuahua!! that's a joke of the day!^^10!

    Source(s): L4A cheers!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats good, i laughed my @ss off

  • 1 decade ago

    that is a good one omal

  • Pd
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    ha ha knock-knock

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ha ha ha good one!!!

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago


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