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Trying to locate an online resource for proper punctuation, capitalization in letters to elected officials?

My Mother is a writing a letter to some Elected Officials and I have spent an hour searching various search terms and only finding 'fake' links, links that look real then want you to buy a book, and school requirements.. no examples or lessons she could use. A couple years ago, I found one for a friend in like 1 minute.. now NOTHING.

HELP, need some real links. Thanks


My Mother is a writing a letter to some Elected Officials and I have spent an hour searching various search terms and only finding 'fake' links, links that look real then want you to buy a book, and school requirements.. no examples or lessons she could use. A couple years ago, I found one for a friend in like 1 minute.. now NOTHING.

HELP, need some real links. Thanks (and this will be mainly aimed at City Officials)

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