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Favorite Answers16%
  • What is a screwdriver called that fits a tri-slot?

    I have a Fuji camera with a bad switch I would like to work on but can not find the name of the screw / screwdriver (like flathead, Philips, Torx) to remove a screw with 3 slots in it. If need better description, I put a simple illustration of what I mean on tinypic here -

    Appreciate help finding the name so I can order one... thnx!

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • New racing game advertised on Saturday?

    I saw a new racing game advertised on TV Saturday... was shown twice but the idiots that run the cable company cut off the end of each commercial with another one (for local ad) and could not find out the name.

    It showed good graphix, some new, as well as older muscle cars (like a Challenger and I think I saw a Camero)

    Said you could race as teams. Anyone see the commercial and know what the game is called? Thanks

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • 99 Silverado battery problem?

    I have a 99 SIlverado - Got a battery from Auto zone 2 yrs ago and last winter it would go dead on very cold days. I couldn't find receipt until after the weather warmed back up and by then it was fine... until a few months later. I exchanged it and has been fine since about April.

    Last night it got down to 6° and truck is dead again when I tried to go out an hour ago. I naturally have to think it is the battery having problem with cold weather!

    QUESTION: Is there anything in a vehicle that would use power in cold weather, that wouldn't use any in warm weather when vehicle is sitting overnight??? (I sure haven't heard of any)


    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • ANyone else getting hammered by stupid spam messages in Messenger?

    Been getting spam messages of "Hey Sexy" with the little fish on messenger every day for a while... Today I have had no less than 10.. 3 at once. Even while in invisible mode... Seems like it is geting worse by the day for past couple days.

    Anyone know of anyway to stop this crap? Or know if Yahoo is doing / will ever do anything about it??


    6 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Would you blame the sellers or manufacturer?

    Just wanted to know who you would blame in this situation. You work on computers, buy about 10-12 Pioneer DVD burners from a place called 'TigerD' and all of them have been working fine with no problems. You discover the same drives at 'OldEgg' website for $12 less, need to order some for an upgrade plus a custom build, so you get two of them... and BOTH are bad drives! Would you be ticked off at Pioneer or the OldEgg site?

    One of the FIRST ones I bought has probably burned no less that 600 to 1000 CDs/DVDs/DL-DVDs and still works perfect - one of the "2" I bought elsewhere only burned a couple before making coasters then nothing at all.

    [Friend said they wouldn't buy that brand again but I was thinking.. if you get a BUNCH at one place and all are good.. then buy just 2 at another place and they are bad.. I find it a little too coincidental.. like maybe the products are slammed around a little too much in the warehouse or something... possibly just a bad batch]

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where to find a tool to create themes for Nokia 6085 Cell phone?

    I have been searching for any tools for creating your own 'theme' for the Nokia 6085 Cell phone... I found the Carbide 3.1 program that "says" it supports it, but it does not. Like to find a tool or learn how to make my own theme. Thanks

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Anyone know about how much sugar is in coleslaw?

    Found out I was diabetic (at least borderline and on meds now) so watching all sugar content. Can't find ANY estimates on how many g's of sugar is in an average serving of coleslaw.. only recipes for it.. (even asked lady at the WM deli yesterday and she had no idea) Thanks

    6 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Anyone heard if YMessenger is going to fix the random disconnects?

    Really bad in the evenings.. can't even carry on a conversation without a disconnect anywhere from 2 seconds to a minute.

    6 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Anyone know an email or 1 800 # to make a complaint on a Fed Ex driver?

    Just had a semi truck pull out in front of me. Guy pulled up to a stop looked both ways (RIGHT AT ME) and apparently paid NO attention to me coming down the road. Pulled right out in front of me and had to pull emergency break to keep from hitting the idiot. I turned around and got the number off the truck and would like to file a complaint on the SOaB. Looked their site over and there is nothing I can find to contact them by - guessing right now that Fed Ex doesn't care at all how their drivers drive or if they kill anyone in the process...

    3 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Is a 2.2Ghz Dual Core processor really 3.7Ghz?

    For computer techs: do you actually feel a 2.2Ghz dual core should be sold as a 3.7Ghz computer? Or a 2.4 D.C. be sold as a 4.45Ghz?

    (2.2G DC with run 2 threats of info at 2.2 each - but there are actually graphics programs and games that need a patch or the DC will actually run them too slow)

    Personally thinking this is flat out false advertisement and would like other's thoughts. Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Anyone know what is in Printer Head Cleaning Solutions?

    I've been experiencing poor performance on a printer that needs to be 'cleaned' (in Maintenance Tab) 5-6 times before it prints at high quality - which uses up a lot of ink.. I was looking into the Head Cleaning Solution that is for sale on the Net and wondered if anyone knows what is in that stuff? And, could you make it yourself or something similar... thanks

    5 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Messenger restarting?

    Ever since Friday's maintenance / outage, my Messenger has been acting odd... tonight, and earlier today, it keeps disconnecting, then immediately reconnects... nothing wrong with Internet Connection for anything else. Also seems to hang for 10 seconds when you go to shut it down. Anyone else experiencing this? No problems before Friday when Yahoo went a few hours over their maintenance / outage and when you tried to start Messenger it would delete password.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Abandoned Property; Need law covering it.?

    I work on computers. A recent customer needed it fixed FAST and I pulled an all-nighter fixing his system up. A week passes, then 2.. 3.. now he says he can't pick it up/pay for it until December 18th.. I wanted to find the law, in WV, that states that property left for over 30 days without previous agreement is considered 'Abandoned Property' and legally becomes mine before someone else does this, again. Want the law to back up addition to contacts and on website. Seem to only be able to find real estate stuff online so far. Thanx

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Valentine Dancer Download?

    Anyone know where to get the WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER version of a visualization called 'Valentine Dancer' by Wild Tangent. Can find the WinMX version but don't want it. Use to have the Windows Media Player version backed up on hard disc until that hard drive went bad... just redid computer and would like it back.

    (Wild Tangent NO longer has it for download... few sites I found it on have broken linx for it or goes back to Wild Tangent Website))

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Russian WWII 4.72 Rifle?

    Does anyone know anything about a Russian WWII 4.72 Rifle (comes complete with swing-out bayonet). I was thinking they were known for bullet tumble (won't shoot straight) and I have a chance to buy one fairly cheap. Wanted some info on it before I decide.

    1 AnswerHunting1 decade ago
  • Trying to locate an online resource for proper punctuation, capitalization in letters to elected officials?

    My Mother is a writing a letter to some Elected Officials and I have spent an hour searching various search terms and only finding 'fake' links, links that look real then want you to buy a book, and school requirements.. no examples or lessons she could use. A couple years ago, I found one for a friend in like 1 minute.. now NOTHING.

    HELP, need some real links. Thanks

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Someone pull the plug?

    Was just in the middle of messaging a friend and messenger goes offline. Tried for 17 minutes to get back online with it and refuses to do so. Rest of Internet connection is fine. What is going on?

    7 AnswersNotices and Errors2 decades ago