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Would you blame the sellers or manufacturer?

Just wanted to know who you would blame in this situation. You work on computers, buy about 10-12 Pioneer DVD burners from a place called 'TigerD' and all of them have been working fine with no problems. You discover the same drives at 'OldEgg' website for $12 less, need to order some for an upgrade plus a custom build, so you get two of them... and BOTH are bad drives! Would you be ticked off at Pioneer or the OldEgg site?

One of the FIRST ones I bought has probably burned no less that 600 to 1000 CDs/DVDs/DL-DVDs and still works perfect - one of the "2" I bought elsewhere only burned a couple before making coasters then nothing at all.

[Friend said they wouldn't buy that brand again but I was thinking.. if you get a BUNCH at one place and all are good.. then buy just 2 at another place and they are bad.. I find it a little too coincidental.. like maybe the products are slammed around a little too much in the warehouse or something... possibly just a bad batch]


The 12 from one place were bough over months... Basically used for upgrades on newer systems that didn't have a DVD burner or had a slower 4x burner... or in new system builds. So I would have to assume they would be from a different bath on each order... Including the "2" order because one was beige and one was black faces for different front computers.

Update 2:

All sold as NEW not refurbished

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sounds like the seller sold you factory secondsblame the seller

  • 1 decade ago

    I would still blame Pioneer in this case. My guess would be that the 10-12 you got from TigerDirect all came from the same batch if you ordered them at the same time, and the 2 you got from Newegg came from the same batch. It would seem to may that there was something faulty with the batch Newegg received, and therefore the problem would lie with Pioneer and not Newegg.

    I also base this on reputation, if you were dealing with a company that had a strong history of delivering faulty products, then I might be more apt to believe it might have something to do with the warehouse as you said, but given Newegg reputation, I tend to think the problem was on Pioneers end.

    EDIT: Let me expand a little more on what I meant by the batch thing. Say you ordered the 10-12 from TigerDirect at different times, meaning perhaps they were from different batches, and all were good. Then you ordered 10-12 from Newegg, again at different times, and all or most were defective. Then I think you would have much stronger suspicion that it was something on Newegg's end.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would blame the manufacturer because they made the product , but the sellers may modify certain things in the box, so you can blame both

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dude, newegg doesn't make the drives, pioneer does.

    return them and be done. i hate tigerdirect

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  • SAM L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    send them back U didn't say if they R new or refurbushed.

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