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Russian WWII 4.72 Rifle?

Does anyone know anything about a Russian WWII 4.72 Rifle (comes complete with swing-out bayonet). I was thinking they were known for bullet tumble (won't shoot straight) and I have a chance to buy one fairly cheap. Wanted some info on it before I decide.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rare Piece!!The pre-Kalishnikov 4.72,or 18calibre was circa 1910 and used in Russian civil war.Range was good,withno tumbling if the barrel was rifled.It was replaced by a 20cal,and223,eventually becoming the widely used AK47!BUY IT! The bore is still used in EUROPE mainly for target and recreational.Make sure to check the chamber/barrel for rifling,and cracks.The purpose of this gun was pre-para-trooper,however,so rare,ya gotta love it.EDDIE/67

    Source(s): 20yrs shooting/Canadian Forces/Princess PatriciaRifle REG.88-92
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