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ANyone else getting hammered by stupid spam messages in Messenger?

Been getting spam messages of "Hey Sexy" with the little fish on messenger every day for a while... Today I have had no less than 10.. 3 at once. Even while in invisible mode... Seems like it is geting worse by the day for past couple days.

Anyone know of anyway to stop this crap? Or know if Yahoo is doing / will ever do anything about it??



~*N O T*~ talking about EMail.. hence the term 'Messenger' which has no Inbox, or spam catcher/blocker. My EMail doesn't get very much spam actually.

Yahoo Messenger is an Instant Messenger and you can learn about what that means, here:

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anyone who enters Yahoo chat rooms are getting IM spam from pornsites and bots from booters.

    So you can stop "this crap" do the following -

    On Yahoo Messenger, click Messenger > Preferences

    On Chat, select "Ignore Chat Invitations"

    On Ignore List, select "Ignore anyone who is not on my Messenger List".

    On Messages - When I receive messages from people not on my Messenger List, select, "Show the messages in a single window".

    (As these spam/bots will be shown in a single window you can easily click on their id bots to ignore them ).

    Always click Apply and OK to confirm any changes made

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not messenger, its whomever you gave out your email address to "by accident" try to set-up SPAM catcher to delete them before hitting your INBOX. You need to make up trigger words in order for the spam catcher to work. Spam blocker only holds 500 spots for domain blocking else just delete them manually. Anything over 500 will be deposited into the Inbox so decide from there.

  • poore
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yup, i are turning out to be it some situations. the 1st time I deleted it. the 2nd time i replaced into large bored and in fact wrote him a sarcastic essay proper to the pony's digestive gadget and how the tummy acids could consume him all up. I did somewhat get a respond (some thing like, "properly if that did no longer ensue, and that i lived, what could ensue?") i are turning out to be it a pair of times after that

  • 1 decade ago

    got me. Secret admirer?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Get a new account.?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes--and no-sorry

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