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99 Silverado battery problem?

I have a 99 SIlverado - Got a battery from Auto zone 2 yrs ago and last winter it would go dead on very cold days. I couldn't find receipt until after the weather warmed back up and by then it was fine... until a few months later. I exchanged it and has been fine since about April.

Last night it got down to 6° and truck is dead again when I tried to go out an hour ago. I naturally have to think it is the battery having problem with cold weather!

QUESTION: Is there anything in a vehicle that would use power in cold weather, that wouldn't use any in warm weather when vehicle is sitting overnight??? (I sure haven't heard of any)



If I remember right, it is a 875 CCA battery. No problem with charging - been fine for almost a year when it drained the LAST real cold weather and wound up exchanging it for new one.

Duralast battery - read they were a good battery.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no, but there could be a problem with your charging system, or your starting the vehicle, not letting it run for very long and shutting it down, then the battery wouldnt get a good deep charge and it would do that in really cold weather.

  • leon
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    As for your question, I never heard of anything like that and it wouldn't make sense, everyones battery would be dead.

    I use to live about 50 feet from Lake Erie, in the winter, I went through 3 or 4 Sears Die Hards, they kept freezing.

    Sears tried to say it was my electrical system, so I had it

    checked by someone else, brought them the receipt, got my money back, I wasn't going to have them idiots check it.

    Bought a battery at Sam's club that was, pay attention now, same physical size, posts in proper order, but I bought the highest Cold Cranking AMP battery that would physically fit.

    Thats how much power it can put out when cold, if the car don't need it, it won't take it, but when its cold, there is extra juice there to start the car or truck. Kept it for over 5 years and sold the truck and same battery.

  • 1 decade ago

    first off if you live where it gets that cold you need a better bat

    one that have a higher cca than the one that is stock with your truckoh hey by the by cca(COLD CRANKING AMPS) it is why your truck says NO in cold weather there is an insuffishent amount of amps when it is cold

    long story shortend

    Buy your self a real battery i would recomend a optima They are the best on the market and have one hellatious life time on them and are backed up witha darn good warrenty i have 6 of them and would not trade them for fifty of the cheapo batteries they push at the parts house

  • 1 decade ago

    its the battery's your using most good battery's wont do that but 6 degrees will drain even a good battery ,try wrapping some kind of an insulation product around it ,anything that will help keep it warmer will help it maintain its charge,when its that cold even the best of battery's will sometimes loose their power,ours did this and we wrapped the battery and that stopped it from draining on it,good luck on it.

    Source(s): been a certified mechanic for 37 yrs.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your not getting enough amperage battery. i got mine at auto zone and its a 1000 amp.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    power pack jumper. (same Auto Zone store.)

    and keep it inside home.for cold days.

    my believe You had change the alternator in that car for a lesser amp alt.

  • 1 decade ago

    buy a better battery

    Source(s): master ase tech 25 yrs exp
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you might be leaking battery acid now....check under your hood....this sounds like a battery acid leakage problem

    Source(s): I work at the autoshop in downtown Dayton
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