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Why do people tell you to have a nice day when they don't mean it?

And don't say cause their boss makes them either. If a kindness is'nt genuine then please keep it. I think people can tell when others are just going through the motions. Am I right?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    THIS EXPRESSION IS SUPPOSED to MEAN a blessing towards the other person's day.

    I think the best way to respond to this is to TAKE IT POSSITIVELY and just don't bother whether or not the person who said it really means it.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is an accepted form of ettiquette. If you come into my store and I serve you at the checkout..I don't know you the polite and nice thing to say would not is your mother doing ? It would also be rude to wait on you and just say people say Thank you , Have a nice day !

    How do you know they do not really wish you a nice day? Just wishing it for a person does not make it the responsibility of the wisher to make it happen.

    Some people are just going through the motions and others are sincere...however I would rather have them say ...have a nice day and not have their heart in it, than to say ...hope you fall on your butt going to your car and break a leg while you're at it..I'm having a crappy day and a crappy life so you should have a bit of trouble yourself !

  • 1 decade ago

    There are some that do mean it so please do not dis count them. I do feel that the majority of people wishing you a nice day are doing so out of habit. Just like when someone asks how you are doing, the majority responds with "fine". I don't think they are completely to blame, however. The next time you are wished a good day, look that person in the eye and say something like, "Whew, I am so Glad you said that. I didn't know what kind of a day I was going to have so thanks." If you question their sincerity, then this might make them stop and think about what they just absent mindedly told you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's an employer thing, really. I was working for an organization for a while (and I felt on some level that this violated one of the Ten Commandments, because I really didn't care) who wanted you to apologize on EVERY call. Find something to be sorry for, because if something wasn't wrong, they wouldn't be calling.

    Instead of the "Have a nice day" BS, I prefer something like "is there anything else I can help you with today," or "have I answered all of your questions?" This tells them in a sort-of polite way that I'm done with this transaction...if you don't have anything else for me to do, I need to move on to the next sucker...I mean customer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's just being polite, like another way of saying thank you. i notice tt among english-speaking peoples of the world, different nationalities have different ways of expressing gratitude or greeting one another. The britz say 'hello' or 'u're most welcome' in their characteristic accent n the aussies say 'how are u' or 'no worries' in place of those, but essentially they mean the same thing. i work at a visitor services counter at a tourist attraction and everytime an aussie says 'how are u' to me, i say 'fine, thank u' but after a while i realised they don't mean to ask the question cos they dun bother to hear what u say. to them it's just like saying hello, which doesn't really require an answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good manners, demand so. . . and you should have replied thank you or and also with you. . . Not questioning her motive. A good deed demands another and so it goes round and round. it makes the world a better place to live with caring human hearts. . . not cynics. Its the same as a single smile which earns another smile until it contaminates everyone. . . . Know the saying,laugh and the world laugh with you,cry and you cry alone. Pleasantries, niceties. . . goes a long long way. . .

  • 1 decade ago

    i work at the front desk at a hotel and when people are leaving i do tell them to have a nice day, and I genuinely mean it! really, there are some that don't mean it, and you can tell, those people i wish that they'd just not say anything!

  • 1 decade ago

    Would you rather have them hand you your purchase and snarl, "Get bent"?

    Nevertheless. From a linguistic point of view, the statement "Have a nice day" serves as a marker that the transaction is now complete. It's more pleasant than, "We're done. Get out.".

    Source(s): Former EFL teacher
  • 1 decade ago

    Their bosses really will fire them.

    Consider this though. Just by the person saying that they get put in a better mood.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well it's better than "F-off" ! Right ?

    We DON'T HAVE to be nice to each other !

    It just makes things get done, and move along easier and faster !

    I deal with a--h*les all day, trust me, it works !

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