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Why fault the message of Christianity?

I wonder why so many folks on Yahoo! Answers dislike Christianity? The basis of Christianity, Jesus' teachings, promote treating others with tolerance, kindness, respect and charity (love). Jesus admonished his followers to feed the poor, care for the sick and infirm, and treat all manner of people with respect, regardless of their race, color or social status. The message was one of peace and love, not hate and anger.

The only time Jesus himself showed real anger was when he saw the moneychangers at the temple (his father's house) place more importance on the exchange of money to purchase an animal to sacrifice, than on the experience worshipping God.

Why not fault those who try to convert others to Christianity by force or fear, rather than simply sharing the message and allowing the person to decide?

Why not fault the messengers and not the message?


How many verses quoted regularly were attributed to Jesus himself and how many can be attributed to his later followers?

I myself do not believe all parts of the Bible are literal truth. Some parts of the book are literature and some parts are history. Many were written many years after the events actually occurred, especially in the case of the books of the New Testament.

I am not a simpleton---I do not believe blindly. I can discern the truth for myself, but I still believe that Jesus spoke the truth about how one should live his/her life. I don't always agree with others' interpretations of Jesus' teachings, as the discernment of the truth of any interpretation falls on the individual. I'd suggest that anyone with questions discover the truth for him/herself and not rely on others to interpret the truth for you.

No one ever said being a Christian would be easy, not even Jesus.

There will always be those who justify evil actions with religion.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had a friend who was an atheist. He used to say that he had no problem with God, it was his followers who got on people's nerves. He was joking, but many are not. There are a lot of us who have decided that when told to spread the good news it meant to beat the unbelievers over the head with our beliefs. Thats not the example that was set for us, and its not what we told to do. Still, many Christians feel obligated to force their beliefs upon others who have little or no desire to hear about them.

    This actually sets up an even worse situation, because many who might have listened and learned will turn away completely when the Christians come on too strong. My pastor used to make reference to what he called the mercenary-missionary. This was a person who would gather 100 unbelievers in a room and ask who didn't want to accept Jesus. The first person who raises their hand, you shoot. You'll end up with a 99% conversion, but you're still wrong. You can't make others believe what you do. It just doesn't work.

    The other problem is that many believers can be very intolerant of the beliefs of others. This makes it hard for them to understand why they should be tolerant of ours.

    There's an old saying that claims that its human nature to kill the messenger. In our case, we represent the message, and when one of us acts inappropriately we all share that blame.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whether you believe or not,the simple fact is....Christianity works if you truly follow it's laws.

    There would be no wars or sexually transmitted diseases,or perversions if Christ were really followed.

    God knew what He was doing when He instituted His laws & gave us Jesus,but even making it easier to follow with Jesus as a saviour,ppl still misinterpret & do the opposite!

    I once had a friend who's father tried to tell her the bible said it was OK for a man to have sex with his daughter!

    Can you imagine all the inbred freaks running around if that were so?

    You can tell a true Christian from a wannabe.Decide & listen or say you aren't intrested.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do fault the messengers and not the message. The Bible is a very nice mix of history and fiction, and it makes a good story. The book "Catcher in the Rye" is also a good book, yet it was read and carried around by a man who shot John Lennon.

    I believe "Catcher in the Rye" is an interesting read, but I consider one who shoots another because of it, or who believes Holden Caulfield is walking around out there to be slightly disassociated from reality.

  • 1 decade ago

    My sentiments exactly. No disrespect to you, but the reason I chose a different path after being a Christian for 23 years WAS because of the "messengers." I don't have a problem with God, I have a problem with God's children. I don't like to be around other people's children who are spoiled, whiney, demanding and like to throw fits. No different with God's children.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because a lot of Christians quote misinterpretation of there own Bible. Saying things like your going to hell, and just trying to be hurtful because we don't believe what they do. How cares if your going to hell, if you read the Bible closely you will see that everyone goes to hell when they die, and those who are worthy of heaven will be resurrected and ascend to heaven. Hell is not a fiery place where the devil lives, it simply mean that you will cease to exist. If a lot of Christians could get their own religion right, then people might not get offended and see them as hypocrites.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you wholeheartedly except on one point you made. That is Jesus teaching tolerance. Jesus showed no tolerance for the lives of the Pharisees. We should love all but not tolerate the sin within them.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    it incredibly is real we've self assurance he grow to be no longer killed, yet God (Allah in Arabic) raised Jesus as much as the place he continues to be alive now. it incredibly isn't any longer Allah's fault, it relatively is his will that Christianity and additionally the followers of Jesus's who worshipped him as a God whilst he advised them to no longer. Allah sent Jesus to the youngsters of Israel yet they ended up changing the scripture (many different bibles) and consult from him as son of God, while in Islam, Muhammad got here after Jesus, and he revealed the Quran

  • lenny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are only giving part of the message, that's why. Other parts of the message are "I have not come to make peace, but war", "I will divide familes", "nonbelievers are fools", "nonbelievers are swine", "god will fry all nonbelievers", "For judgement I am come into this world.", "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee ... tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican.", ...not to mention all the crazy magic stuff that's part of the message.

    The message is a muddled mess of pychotic drivel. You just filtered out the nice parts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's mostly because the vast majority of them come across as having all the answers, or "the" answer. AND a lot of them often try to force their beliefs on others.

    You can't force feed anyone who's not hungry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I find fault with the message contained in the passage below.

    I do not, however, hate Christians.

    Matthew 5:39

    but I say unto you, resist not him that is evil: but whosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

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