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Lv 6
JeffE asked in Science & MathematicsBiology · 1 decade ago

If your stomach contains hydrochloric acid. Why doesn't puke burn through things?

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Three reasons:

    One, the hydrochloric acid in your stomach isn't as strong as the industrial stuff. The industrial HCl can burn through steel and clean rust off metals almost instantly. Your stomach only needs it to make some food squishier over a span of four hours.

    Second, when you throw up from food, that food dilutes the acidity, so it doesn't taste as acidic coming out.

    But finally, if you throw up on an empty stomach on a fresh day (when you have a nice strong concentration of HCl in your stomach), you will notice how sour and bitter it really tastes. That's your stomach's HCl at full strength.

    And as an additional note, it WILL burn through things, that's why people always recommend you brush your teeth after throwing up. Your teeth will feel funny the morning after if you don't brush them, and habitual people who throw up (bulimic people) have terrible teeth because of the acid's effect of burning through the enamel.

    Brushing helps because there are a lot of basic compounds that neutralize the acid (such as baking soda in most whitening toothpastes).

  • 1 decade ago

    The extent to which acid burns through things depends on how concentrated it is. No doubt you have seen that concentrated hydrochloric acid burns through things in the lab quite easily. However if you dilute it, then it will not burn through things so much, although it will still burn them more slowly. Same applies to your stomach - puke will burn through things, but it's less concentrated than the jar of hydrochloric acid you saw in the lab.

  • 1 decade ago

    the stomach is well designed! The epithelial cells lining the stomach wall "invaginate" - they form folds called gastric glands. At the opening of these glands are specialised cells called parietal cells which secrete hydrochloric acid. The stomach will secrete about 2 litres of HCl of pH 2-3 a day. Above them lies the gastric pit, the wider area of the gland completely surrounded by mucuous cells (goblet cells). These produce vast amounts of mucus which lubricates the stomach so that food doesnt scratch the lining and protects the stomach from digesting itself. HCl at pH 2 is fairly acidic, but it is not in a concentrated form - it is strong enough break chemical bonds in some foods, but not enough to act like the blood of an Alien! If someone sufferes from hyperemesis, then the oesophagus and teeth will be sugject to burning and decay.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well most people don't take the time to actually see if their puke will burn through things, but seeing as the HCl has a pH of about 2.5, it would probably corrode certain things. This corrosion could take a while, but puke isn't usually left lying around long enough to tell.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The acid isn't concentrated enough to burn through things like floors etc. it does leave a nasty feeling in your mouth and throat though and thats the acid effect

  • 1 decade ago

    It is too short an amount of time and the HCl is not in high enough concentration to burn through your esophagus... though over time, if you vomit regularly, like a bulimic, the stomach acid will degrade your teeth and esophagus and can lead to serious problems.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You can get rid of acid reflux and heartburn with this natural method

    Usually, heartburnThe most common symptom of acid reflux disease (also known as gastroespohageal reflux disease, or GERD). Heartburn feels like a burning pain in the center of the chest. It is caused by acid from the stomach backing up into the esophagus. is a symptom of acid reflux disease (GERD) Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Describes the condition of backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus which frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. The symptoms of acid reflux disease typically occur on 2 or more days a week.. And if you suffer from persistent heartburn on two or more days a week—and you’ve treated it and changed your diet—it could be due to acid refluxBackflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Acid reflux frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. This allows harsh stomach juices to back up into the esophagus. disease. But only your doctor can tell you if these are signs of acid reflux disease.

  • 4 years ago

    Set your computer alarm to ring hourly—stand up for 1 to 5 minutes each time it goes off.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    From breakfast, go ahead and drink orange juice. But throughout the rest of the day, focus on water rather than juice or soda

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): GERD Disease Treatment
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