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Atheists, if you found that God was not a myth and in fact did truly exist....?

would you change anything about yourself? Your life? I am not an atheist and I don't subscribe to condeming those whose beliefs are different from my own, so this is not an attack on atheist. I am just curious what the response would be from non-believers if God's existance was somehow prooved to them. I have to admit that my belief in God does affect my behavior and how I conduct myself.

Thanks to all that respond!

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If, if, if...

    The fact is, you know there is no god either. Otherwise you'd have something other than a hypothetical question about him.

    There is NO evidence that supports the existence of this, or any other magic sky-pixie. None.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand what you are saying and I think it's a really good question. I hate how everyone on here is getting a little nasty. It's a perfectly good question, but the problem is those who are atheists (no I am not one, but I claim no religion or that there is or isn't a god, but my friends are atheist) are so set on the fact that he/she does NOT exist that they won't stop for two seconds to think THEORETICALLY about your question. Keep your minds open people. This is a good question with a lot of thought behind it.

    As someone who doesn't claim anything at all, I suppose I might just change small things in my life. Such as I may start praying more, but it's simple things like that. I guess becuase I don't believe that there is a lack of a god, but I don't know if I believe there is one, I live my life as a good person. End of story. I suppose that is how we should all ive despite what we believe religion-wise.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm agonostic, not atheist, so I have always accepted the possibility that the Christian God (or any other(s)) exist. If I got actual proof that one or a pantheon or whatever existed, it would not change my life much, because I have always believed in living a reasonably good life just on general principle. Any proof regarding divine presence or the afterlife would also prove nothing, because just because one god exists does not rule out the possibility of the presence of others. It just means that one god is more demonstrative than any possible others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, since we're traveling the land of make believe, I suppose I'll play along. I doubt I would change anything honestly because I believe I'm living my life as a good person and don't think God would take issue with much. I might stop making snide comments about Jesus or God if I changed anything...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Atheist here.

    If a knew a certain god existed, lets say the christian god, and that his "holy text" was true, then I'd follow the law in the bible. My behavior wouldn't change at all except for maybe praying, acknowledging god's existence and attending to church, there is nothing else I'd change in my behavior.

  • Cyn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil -- that takes religion.

    -- Steven Weinberg

    I think that the above says it all.

    But seriously, and to answer your question:

    I don't do good because I think that some Big Father in the Sky is going to punish me if I don't behave well. I behave well because it's what feels right to me.

    I don't feel that God has to exist in order for people to be good to one another. Did you ever notice that the last 5 of the 10 Commandments are all about how people should treat one another? (The first 5 are about people's relationship with God.)

    Treating yourself and other people right, so that we can all live together in a civilized manner, is called "the social contract." And you really don't NEED to believe in God to follow "the social contract."

    Actually, many people who do believe in God feel that they have some sort of religion-based right to not follow "the social contract," and to kill, main, rape, torture, steal from, and otherwise behave badly toward those who don't share their religious beliefs (and if you don't believe me, then just consider all of those folks in Iraq who are murdering one another RIGHT NOW because they believe in differing versions of Islam).

  • 1 decade ago

    I would spend more time thinking about the after life. I would be happy because it means I could hug my Andrea again. I would be glad because it means that vile human waste in jail right now would get a second set of punishment when he pushes off this mortal coil. But as for me I would not change much. I try to behave in a way that my mother and wife would approve of. I do not need a god in order to act in an ethical way.


  • 1 decade ago

    I am an atheist and no I would not change anything about myself.

    My lack of belief in God wouldn't change how I conduct myself, it's not like I go out and murder people and eat babies because I don't believe in God.

    I'm a good person despite my atheism. Because I have MORALS. =]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If there is or isn't a God, I would not change anything about the way I was living my life today. I do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons as consistently as I can.

  • 1 decade ago

    i guess. I would follow the rules of said God to a tee because He will be my creator and ruler.

    I don't think if God showed Himself to an atheist they would deny him. They're not stupid people, just non-believers.

    Show me a walking talking two headed dog and I'd believe in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first thing I'd do would be to find out why he didn't make it more obvious.

    Then I would ask what he wanted me to do. If I didn't get an answer then little would change as my instincts have to be my best friend if my god gave them to me.

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