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Why do Indians love to migrate to the US?

Are there any particular reasons whether financial or otherwise, do Indians from India love to migrate to the US?

16 Answers

  • Frank
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The reason is that the government is corrupt, there are no plans for economic prosperity, the educational system produces quantity...not quality, there is not population control program and they will outgrown the meagre resources they have, Indian politicians love rhetoric but not action. Civil engineering projects are the slowest and the most archaic in the world. Moreover, many Indians only come to the US to make money and then retire to a comparative life of luxury in India. India is a very dirty country and health care lags far behind other nations. Every year floods overwhelm the deltas and many die, only to be repeated again the following year. Major capital resources were spent on nuclear weapons and many streets have been unpaved for centuries...A joke is told of a lady tourist on a visit to India and they made a rest stop in the middle of nowhere...The lady asked where the restroom was at and the Indian tour guide replied that all of India was her toilet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Indian people are alot different then us, but for the most part I do respect them alot, even though with the idiosyncrasies of their race. All the Indian - Americans I know have done it legally, thus are following through with the way the system works. They come here to follow through with being doctors and buisness people ... is that not the American dream ?

    Perhaps the Mexicans need to use them as a example

  • 1 decade ago

    They want to come to the United States for a chance of freedom and choice. We are a very wealthy nation compared to alot of other countries where they are facing severe famines, plagues ect, ect, yes we have our homeless people here too, but we really need to start helping them and teaching other countries how to help their people without just giving them money.

    and I say to MRS MOLE>> I am a mother of six children, i work 40+ hours a week outside of the home, my husband works 40+ hours as well and we both have had steady jobs since they age of 12, so dont place all americans in the same category, some still believe you have to work hard to get the things you need and want.

  • 1 decade ago

    People that migrate to the US are intelligent individuals that feel they have something to offer this country.

    Many love their family, friends and the roots they have in their country and wish to return one day.

    One day the Nations may be United and we will all be able to help one another in ways that no one could have ever imagined.

    Think of how the internet has brought us all closer together and made communication between many cultures world wide possible.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As with other nations, they love to migrate and reap rewards of our great nation, but under the same breath, put us down.

    Last night there was a guy from India on this forum running his mouth about stupid Americans...we were to grow up...we were a class of went on and on....

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I do not know-maybe they are trying to take over the nation-one convenience store and Super 8 at a time.

    They are kind of rude by our standards.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you have noticed it is not only Indians. Perhaps these people see what the spoiled Americans don't see. They have lived on the other side and they know a good thing when they see it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Indians have lot of respect for white skinned people, and they want to close to white skinned people, besides money and freedom.

  • Zen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They also come to Canada, it's for all types of opportunities

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