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what the hell?>>> Anyone know how to work this stupid phone?

i bought a razor phone and currently have cingular as a carrier. My question is where the hell is the frickin software that my computer is searching for everytime i connect it to a usb? I am confused. I went on line to a few websites but had no luck with freeware. Shouldnt it be free? help me out please.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no software for it. The cell phone companies do not give out any software to connect your phone to your computer. If it works the same as other phones, then as soon as you connect it to your computer, you should have a mapped drive to that phone. You just need to go to your Windows explorer and go to the drive that is mapped to your phone and then you can move or transfer your files to it. Then you can just use the file manager in your phone to access the files.

    Are you using Windows XP?

    Go to this website:

    It might be what youre looking for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Install the drivers @

  • 1 decade ago

    not exactly sure trying going to the cingular store and ask their!!

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