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  • What is this addon called for World of Warcraft?

    I found this picture on google and it has a very neat interface on the bottom. I am currently using Bartender, but I need something more neater. Anyone know what this one is called?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Aion release date question?

    I just preordered the collector's edition and I'm in the middle of a download. Will it let me play it once I install it? I thought the game isnt released til end of September? Is it just beta testing right now? If it is true about a release date being at the end of the month, what happens to our characters? I am just confused as to why its letting me download when I heard the release date isnt til much later in the month. I am wondering if I should just wait til release or if I should start leveling my character now. Thanks.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What do I get my wife?

    I gave her chocolate already. Did the jewelry. Flowers is almost all the time, so thats not very unique.I cant think of other things she might want for her birthday. Any ideas what women like? I really do not want to go to a lingerie store, so let's leave that one out =D

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Can dogs get muscle ache?

    My dog is usually a homebody...she is usually home and gets limited exercise since I work during the day. Okay so I take her out one day to play with other dogs and she is a very very hyper dog when shes with other dogs....and she ran around at least 2 hours. Now shes walking around like shes in pain. She has a hard time even climbing simple stairs. Can dogs get muscle ache like we do? I am not sure if I should take her to the vet, or if she can just rest and maybe it will go away eventually?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How and where do I get a mount in World of Warcraft?

    Just started playing WoW. I am a human warrior and I know I cant really use a mount til I get to level 40, but I heard I can get a mount anytime but it will go in the same pace as me. Is that true? If it is not true, where can I get it in Stormwind?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Anyone speak Norwegian?

    I need to say, "I love you, to infinity and beyond!" Norwegian. Anyone know? Yes, its from the movie Toy Story =D

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can you fall in love twice?

    I can't say I never felt this before, because I thought I was in love once. I have almost the same feeling again, so I'm wondering if it is possible to fall in love again? I feel like I'm in a dream....shes the most amazing woman in the world. I can't believe my life would have moved in a different path if I did not meet this woman. I am scared to get hurt again, so I am not sure if this is even possible.

    36 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What would you do?

    My girlfriend and I were in love with each other. We broke up, but we are trying to make it work again. However, she changed her personality. She is not the same person I fell in love with. She seems distant, but she is the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life its hard to deal with.

    I have a friend who has always been there for me. She has always had feelings for me, but we never acted on it and I told her there is no way we can be together. However, she still stuck by me and she was always a very good friend. Its hard to see her as more than a friend, but I know she would treat me better than the one that I'm with. The one that Im with is very cold these days and she wont talk to me. She doesnt seem to love me anymore, but Im still crazy about her. My friend ALWAYS wants to talk to me and she understands me completely. I know in time I COULD have feelings for her, but I dont know what I should do.

    What would you do?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Anyone have ONE computer problem that needs resolution?

    So, is everyone's computer being good today?

    If you want to get rid of the ONE problem on your computer that has been really really bothering you, what would it be? It might be a minute problem that is not really damaging your system, but it is REALLY REALLY annoying...what could it be?

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Ouch! I bit down on a fork?

    Okay so three days ago, I bit down on a fork by mistake cuz I was just careless. It hurt so much that I though I might've chipped my tooth so I ran to the bathroom mirror to check what the heck I did, but nothing looks damaged. It is just SORE. I can't use the bottom two of my front teeth cuz its very very sore. It feels raw and achy as if my teeth just got bleached and it got sensitive or something. Do I need to spend $$$ on going to the dentist office to see if there is other damage or do I just wing it out until it stops hurting? There is no crack or split or any physical damage that I can see. I'm wondering if this pain is not normal and if I should go in to the dentist just to get an X-ray which will probably tell me nothing is wrong...but should I go anyway?

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How should my girlfriend thank me?

    My girlfriend's computer was running like a turtle. She couldnt even open Internet Explorer without it lagging her to death. I bought her more RAMs for her computer and it got delivered to her house. I then called her and gave her step by step directions on how to install it and she did it perfectly. Now her computer is flying and she wants to thank me. Hmmm any ideas? =)

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who likes the new product update?

    Check out the new Yahoo! Answers Product update:

    Just a few weeks ago I posted an answer about how I wish we can choose the best answer in just a few hours instead of waiting 24 hours and now they changed it! YEY!

    I love the new product update because maybe now we can get people to stop deleting questions and actually choose best answers so that this community is more fun and enjoyable. I sometimes contact people and ask them to choose best answers when their points are getting low (even though I never answered their questions).

    Do you think this is a good update or do you think the opposite of how I feel?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How much does it take for the price of gas to go up before you start commuting?

    Its over $3.00/gallon in Atlanta GA. I think it might increase more in the summer. Not many people are completely affected by it because I do not see anyone in the office commuting or at least carpooling. Some of my coworkers say it will take the price increase to go up to at least $4.00 for them to actually start looking for alternate commuting. How much is too much?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Why do cats play with their food (mouse) before they eat it?

    I saw this clip on the internet where the cat plays around with the mouse for a good half an hour, then eats it. The cat lets the mouse go, then traps it with its claws. Then throws it around a bit. Lets it go a few times again, then traps it again. And so on and so forth....

    Why do they play with their food before they eat it?

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do you think teachers for children should get personal?

    Do you think it's all right for teachers to get personal with their students' home life? If the child is feeling neglected or if the child has problems at home, should the teachers get involved? Some say they have no right, some say they should act like role models and get involved. What do you think? You think it would make a difference at all?

    14 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Do you inform someone when they have an eye crust?

    I told someone at work that he has an eye booger hanging off his eye, but he got so embarrassed. I would love to be told that I have an eye crust wedged in my eye before I go out in public. Do you tell people when they have something nasty hanging off their face?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Riddle Time!?

    I made this up, so I doubt you can google it.

    "I come in a small package. I can travel easily as long as there's air. I can be considered dangerous, but denial works in my favor".

    What the heck am I?

    22 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • What do you like about this site?

    I like the fact that it's free and I get to help people. When I get a "thank you so much!!!!" reply, my chips get excited. Also it kills boredom when I'm not in any meetings at work.

    The point system is kinda cool, but I think only 20% of the people on this site actually care about the points. Some just want to "Wam Bam, thank you Cheeky Sam"....and they run with the answer. Some just like to type "Thank you for the 2 points", then off they go to a different question.

    Oh and there are some who just love to email me nasty things and of course, their email is not verified so I can't reply back. How cute.

    All in fun, yea?

    21 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Shane Mosley vs. Fernando Vargas?

    The fight is on July 15th.

    Who do you think will win? Do you think it will go all the way to the score cards or you think one of them will get KO'd? And take a guess what round you think the fight will end.

    I will wait til the fight is over to pick best answer.

    3 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • What happened to Mike Tyson?

    I havent heard anything about what hes been up to after his ear biting fiasco.

    Is he still boxing? Is he pretty much a deadbeat now?

    Whats the 411 on the guy right now?

    3 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago