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Sugi asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Why doesn't anyone realize the seriousness of what our government is up to? Mind Control maybe?

There seems to be a one world government and it's leading us into the New World Order. 9-11 was an inside job, our government leaders have sacraficed people at the "Grove" in California for decades, some even claim that the leaders of the world are a race of aliens called the reptilians. It's hard to believe until you have actually looked into it. I have a new respect for the bible after researching all of this. In the Bible it says, "let US make man in OUR image." Look it up for yourself. There are messages in it. Look up Alex Jones, David Icke, Free Masons, Reptilians, Arizona Wilder, and start becoming aware of the truth. You might not believe in "them" but they believe in you and they will use you to bring their ideas to fruition. WW3 is closing in and most people aren't aware of what we're fighting for. Our Governments have been using us. Wake up people, your life and the lives of the people you love, depend on it. Have an open mind, and realize that mind control is real.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Quite simply, people are afraid to believe the truth. Plus they're so accustomed to following orders and obeying authority that they don't often have the capabilities to see the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're right.. I remember the reptillians.. they were on the Land of the Lost.. no wait.. that was the Sleestacks.

    Oh.. I remember now... The Reptillians were the ones that fought Captain Kirk on that planet.

    What version of the bible did you get that out of anyway? The version for the mentally insane? While I won't dispute that our government.. may be trying to sway our opinions with fancy garble of some kind. I know that there is NOT, I repeat NOT.. an alien race involved in it. The fact that you think that it might be true.. just shows that you are gullible.. and possible may be in need of some mental therapy. I don't know you.. so that isn't for me to say. I would say.. if you come across any theories that include flying monkeys and you decide it could possibly be true.. you should probably see a therapist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I went to a website that claimed 911 was carried out by our government and that a lot of people were warned not to go to work that day, while some of the evidence was compelling these conspiracy theories cannot be proven. However the government did use it as an excuse to burden us with the so called 'patriot act' which truth be told no patriot in his right mind would have anything to do with. It all comes down to the government controlling the people rather then acting in a governing and protective manner which is what the founding fathers intended. One final question needs to be answered who is making money off the war in Iraq? Answer that question and the reasons for war become crystal clear! As for mind control and aliens thats just propaganda to confuse and discredit people.......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Notice how every news station has the same footage. People grew up this way and usually will not see anything wrong with it.

    It will lead us into nuclear war by the Euphrates River by Sept. 12, 2006.

    Take a look you'll either believe or just fall out off of your chair laughing.

    Source(s): hhtp://
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  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, listen, *****, I just wrote the most racist answer to a illegal mexican kid. Would the government let me do that? I choose what I want to do. If the government is using mind control on me, then they got some sick bastards working in that department. Shut up. It's people like you that the government should be using mind control on to make smarter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    9/11 was payback for the first Gulf War.

    Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen.

    Anything can be 'deduced' from the bible.

    A plethora of nutters do not a truth make.

    We are fighting to control the world oil market, the majority are quite happy w. that as long as it is presented as a righteous crusade.

    W/out any mind control the personality disintegrates into schizophrenia, trying to fight the systematic brainwashing Americans are subjected to requires discipline, logic and rational thought, encouraging delusions and magical thinking just aids the potential descent into anarchy.

  • I recycled my foil helmet!! Are they really going to control my mind?!?! Read my thoughts?!?!?!

    Okay - you're making a jump that the leaders of the world are aliens because in the Bible, the word "us" is used instead of "me"? Do you realize that God is not schizophrenic - He was speaking to his Archangels? Couldn't be that, could it? God just speaks out loud for no particular reason. . .

    I am sorry, but I do not even begin to buy your "theory". I understand your right to believe as you wish, and I am sure there are those out there supporting your claims. But I have to say I think that your cheese has slipped off your cracker. . .

  • GJ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. TV is more important to Americans than reality. Just look how many voted for "American Idolatry" vs how many voted in the election for President.

    2. Not all web sites speak the truth. In fact it has been shown that a lot of schitzophrenics are web masters.

    "I'll see your paranoia and raise you with delusion."

    3. Could everyone please wait until we are done with WW II before they claim that WW III is starting?

    Off to Google that stuff. It looks like too much fun to miss.

  • 1 decade ago

    You psycho paranoid freak. If you want a controlling government that wants to control its peoples minds, go to Cuba or some other ridiculous excuse for a country. You are a whack job!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was with you up until the reptile but... people to see more asleep than usual to the national tragedies around us

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