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I have a pair of linen pants. When i went to iron them something was on the iron and is now on the pants. HELP

I am assuming it was rust but not sure what ever it is won't come off the iron. I sprayed the pants with shout and immediately washed them and it's still there. what can i do?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    whatever you do, don't put them in the dryer. That will "set" the offending material. Dry cleaners might be able to help.

    As far as the iron, if it is a metal (not teflon) plate, you can use either a non-scratch scouring pad (like a green 3-M or a white version) to rub off the stuff without scratching the surface.

    If you ever use spray starch, that will definitely build up on the iron surface and leave brown burnt residue.

  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't say what color they are. if they are white bleach them or use that bleach stick by tide...I think you can use that on colors too...READ the label first....

    Also when you used the shout did you wash them works best with soap so wash them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take it to the dry cleaners. They might be able to help you if you explain to them.

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