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Arthur J asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

What fish should I get if I get a new marine aquarium.?

The new tank is around 90 gallons.Should I also get coral or a live rock? What should I get?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    get the clown and angel fish first, then get the sharks a month later

  • 1 decade ago

    Live rock is great! We have quite a bit in our marine tank, we do have some corals, too. If you get corals make sure the fish you get aren't coral pickers. We have a Red Volitan Lionfish, 2 Tomato Clowns with their anemone, a damsel, a Yellow Tang, a couple of green Serpent Starfish, a Mandarin Goby, a Pink-Spotted Watchman Goby, and numerous blue-legged hermits. This weekend we're adding a couple of Hippo Tangs. The live rock is full of feather dusters, sponges, and small anemones. I do want to add a pair of coral-banded shrimp yet, too. My husband is getting me addicted to these darn marine fish!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Blue Tang. Yellow Stripe Maroon Clownfish. Four Stripe Damselfish. Moorish Idol. Dragon Sea Moth. Kaudern's Cardinal. Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis. Just a few suggestions, all great fish. I have some of listed fish. My favorite is the Moorish Idol, but those are extremely hard to take care of. All those fish listed are amazing to keep, and not hard for begginers(if you are). You should be able to get all these fish at I would suggest live rock as it is easier to take care of than coral. But liveaquaria has both for what ever you want. Good Luck!!

    Source(s): 15 years with aquariums. 2 Saltwaters
  • 1 decade ago

    Why not get both? Live and coral are both great additions to a tank. Great starter fish are: Damsels, Clownfish, Blennies/Gobbies, Tangs, and Lionfish (for aggressive tanks). HERES A WEBSITE!:

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  • iceni
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You HAVE to have live rock in order to have a successful tank. At least one pound/gallon. You will also need to maintain at least 3 inches (up to six is best) of aragonite/live sand in your tank for health as it will slowly dissolve and add calcium to you tank and will have a lot of nitrifying bacteria and beneficial organisms.

    If you want coral (particularly stony coral) you need an extremely good lighting system and filtration system including a skimmer. An if your tank is ninety gallons you will also need a wave-maker.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You mean live rock, as in plural. people here are responding with no true knowledge it appears. corals are for beauty, live rock is functional, it is a filter within itself. if you want to do fish, try certain angels, tangs...but avoid ones that rae hard to keep! some ideas are purple or yellow tangs, koran angels, flame angels, clownfish, naso tangs, these fish can all be kept together.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love marine tanks. If l had one l would get seahorses, coral, shrimp, starfish and some really pretty fish.

    Have a look at this site they have some great photos of marine life

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The substrate might want to be one of those overwhelmed coral or dolomite. in case you opt to save cichlids, you may want to desire some coral sand, too. make constructive you rinse it numerous cases formerly including it to the tank. in the different case, curiously like someone placed early morning San Fransisco on your tank. stay rock is somewhat cool. some products might want to correctly be lined with exciting organisms: tube worms, small clams, anenomes, and constructive micro organism. It supplies your tank a bounce start up on the bacterial boom mandatory to instruct ammonia (ick) into nitrates. merely make constructive you purchase good high quality rock. in the different case, you may want to finally end up with useless rock, or numerous undesirable critters, like fireworms. One pound in preserving with gallon is somewhat good. eliminate any sponges from the rock, then placed it in a undeniable, properly-filtrated saltwater aquarium in the darkish for type of three weeks. A protein skimmer is major for a good marine tank. in the different case, your tank receives loaded with dissolved minerals which could kill your tank. you opt to purchase some hint component concentration, too. It truly helps the stay rock. Calcium chloride and potassium iodide help, too. because you're merely beginning, you likely desire an undergravel clear out (put in formerly the dolomite) and an effect clear out. those help with water stream and cleansing. you also desire a heater (for preserving the tank warmth), a thermometer for preserving an eye fixed on the temperatureand an aquarium person-friendly. After it runs for twenty-4 hours, verify the pH, temperature, and salinity of the water. If it tests out, put in the stay rock and some small starter fish.

  • 1 decade ago

    angel fish are so pretty, gold fish dirty up an aquarium too fast, and beta fish are too aggressive, snake fish are neat too, they look like a snake but are actually a fish.

  • 1 decade ago

    Clown fish!

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