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I have seen proof in my life?

How come you guys refuse to see the truth? That God is dead. Are you so weak that you cannot handle life without a crutch? Get a spine. Stand on your own. Don't let other's convince you there is a loving God out there. There is no greater pain than false hope.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You hitting rock bottom? You having a holy moment?

    Be careful. You are liable to land on your knees.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I'm wrong about God, I'll just be broken down by bacteria once my body has died, therefore, no pain.

    I would say that there is no greater pain than a life without hope.

    Without God, we are nothing but cause and effect creatures obeying the laws of the universe. We have no free choice, and we are, at best, doomed animals with the tragically ironic opinion that we are more than that.

    With God, we have souls, a part of us that is greater than our cause and effect world. I sincerely hope that this is the case.

    If not, I'll be too dead to know the difference.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would rather believe in God and trust Him as opposed to not believing and then finding out I was wrong when I die. Having faith is being hopeful. There is no greater pain than a life without hope. God did not make us to stand on our own. We need Him, and each other in our lives. Take care!

  • 1 decade ago

    And why should I believe YOU?

    You can believe what you want to believe but what's wrong with having hope? I'd rather have hope than live a hopeless miserable life. The truth is that your truth is not necessarily my truth and I'll live whatever truth I want, regardless of what you percieve as the "truth".

    You say "don't let others convince you"...well I don't let anyone convince me, including YOU!

    You also say "there is no greater pain than false hope". I disagree. I believe that there is no greater pain than hopelessness.

    Wishing you a long and happy life!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because I do have a spine and I will not let other people tell me what to think. I know that there is a God and I don't care what anybody else thinks. I am not some spineless fool who will just stop believing in God just because somebody says so!

  • sassy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with: there is no greater pain than false hope.

    <smiles softly> that's why I have followed, and accepted the truth..

    <Squares off her shoulders, straightens her spine, and stands tall in her 5'6" frame> 100% Christian here.. thank you.

    Even if you don't believe in God, God has always believed in you.

    God bless..

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sorry God's answered so many prayers for me and been there for me so much I could never say that. If my faith is a crutch hey I love my crutch. Praise God! This is the third time my husband's come through cancer! And you know what? God gets the glory! He gives doctors their wisdom but he does the healing.

  • Lost my dad.

    Then I lost my mom.

    Then I lost my fiancee.

    Then I lost my best friend.

    I still havent lost My Jesus. He's still right next to me, everyday.

    By saying that you have proof He doesn't exist, that probably means you have gone through a lot. It is at your lowest point, when Jesus will be more real to you then any of your pain, any of your suffering, and any of your losses.

    Sometime "false" hope is the only hope available, and the only hope you really need.

    God Bless You, because He made you, and loves you.

    Source(s): I have lived a life of hardships, yet stay on the straight and narrow.
  • Kelli
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Is it a crutch to breath air?

    Is it insane to believe that it's there?

    No one can do it alone and to believe they can, is false hope.

    People lack a belief, which is part of the reason there is an increase in depression and other issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know what's great about living in a free country? You get to believe what you want, and I get to believe what I want. And all without being persecuted for it.

    You must have had a real bad day to lash out like this....P.S. Without hope, man is nothing.

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