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Ants or Pecans?

i have pecan trees in my yard. And with them came ants. They have taken up residents IN my car. I have cleaned, shampooed, sprayed and still have the creepy crawlys. How can i get rid of them? Thanks for you time

2 Answers

  • Excel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A) Possibly you had killed them, then they re-infested your car.

    B) Purchase: Raid Max Concentrated DEEP REACH Fogger.

    It penetrates into cracks, crevices, and carpet fibers.

    It won't leave a wet, messy residue and it won't stain.

    (Note: Walmart is one store that carries this, and it is inexpensive).

    C) You must "Air Out", your vehicle thoroughly and completely

    before driving.

    Source(s): Excel
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get the ant traps at a store- hardware store lowes, walmart

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