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Anyone experienced super-natural occurances?

I used to experience a lot of strange things when I was younger. I have so many experiences that there are too many to mention, and actually saw a ghost on two seperate occasions. And no, I'm not mental! My mum used to tell me it was just my imagination. My daughter, who is now 4, tells me she has seen weird stuff, and I find myself telling her the exact things my mum told me!! She has been telling me stuff as long as she has been able to talk. I just don't want to frighten her. Just wondered if anyone had any similar experiences?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First accept the reality of your own experiences. That is the only way you can be honest and help your own child. Continuing the myth that it does not exist is more harmful than learning the reality of your experiences. Nothing is super about the is natural psychic mediumship abilities opening and expanding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Me too! I think its because children are more suseotible to these things, untill of course we tell them theres no such thing.

    Those children who have imaginary friends may really be talking to spirits I think.

    When my daughter was 4 she had an imaginary friend called MOO MOO (!) who lived just inside the back door and would never come further into the house. Then a year later we moved into a brand new block of flats and her new friend was called magic mary. My neighbours and I also experienced other starnge things and so did some research. We discovered that the flats were built on the site of an old manor house and a young servant girl called mary had died there of tragic circumstances,

    So believe your daughter, if shes not frightened then theres no harm.

  • 4 years ago

    My brilliant friends living house became haunted. a touch previous woman died in her brothers room, a touch boy died contained in the livingroom/kitchen. there became somebody else... besides, one nighttime my chum and that i have been contained in the livingroom watching a movie. We were there on my own. She lives on correct of a storage behind the significant living house the position the owner lives. I not ordinary a tap on the window in the front persons. I also observed a shadow of a tree branch, and there have been NO timber even close to to the window! It became so scary. Her dogs all started crying and bumped into the kitchen. He became less than the table licking the air. It became the most unearthly element I ever observed. The dogs got here into the room with us and sat there and stared into the kitchen. His head moved like he became watching someone walk around the room. We got here across some previous newspapers about her living house and the those that died. At nighttime even as we slept we may listen an previous woman moaning and the closet opens through itself- the closet usually takes an extremely not ordinary pull to get open.

  • 1 decade ago

    Being aware of your intuision is wonderful. It sounds as if you need to open yourself up to your gifted abilities. Your daughter has ability also but at her age it is not so understandable in her world. If you know that it is not your imagination then please don't repeat your mothers words of uncertainty. She will grow up questioning herself as well. How to explain to her about stuff she will have to understand in time is another thing...Assure her that whatever is happening around her is ok. The lord does not allow people to recieve these things and not know that we are strong enough to handle it. Let her know that what she says is important and that it counts. I myself have felt and seen wonderful things. I also have had my moments with the feelings of evil around me. As a believer of angels, they are just as strong in protecting us as the bad things that surround us and in some cases,let therselves be known. For every evil there is good. Which side are you more confident in. Try looking up ways to understand your occurances. Find some sense into them. All that weird stuff may not be so far out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Children under the age of 5 are more open minded. They see more than us. My cousins daughter has only seen a picture of her grandfather because he died before she was born. At the hospital when her twin sisters was born she said papal, Granny there is papal coming to see us and was pointing down an empty hall.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had quite a few, including and out of body experience. Children are often open to these things as they don't tell themselves they are being daft. Just reassure her and listen to her. As you've seen things yourself you know it's possible. As long as she isn't scared I don't think you should worry too much.

  • 1 decade ago

    as far as i can remember, it started when i was about 4 years old. i can see "ghosts" but not the spectral type. they looked real and everytime i tell my mom about it, she insisted that it was only my imagination. since, i was the only one who could see it anyway, i thought it was just really my imagination. then horrible dreams started coming and i would wake up drenched in sweat, dirty & with long scratches. i was positive i did not make them cuz most of them where in an impossible angle or places i could not even reach. then, at night my bedroom furnitures started moving around. again, my mom said i was making it up. so, then, i kept everything to myself. my other sister and brother were always so mad at me cuz they are having a hard time sleeping (my room is the middle of theirs) cuz i was making too much noise. i ask them what noise and they said it sounded like i was riping & recontructing my room. but from inside my room, it was quiet. this went on until i was about 17 or 18, when my parents rushed out of their rooms cuz their bed ( with them on it) was raised until they where pushing themselves away from the ceiling. that was the only time they believed me. but, it was kinda late for me. i am already having a hard time telling who are real and who are not ( the dead people i see are how they looked when they were still alive -- thank god). and the events, (may it be personal, local or wordwide), i sometimes can not tell anymore if it already happened or still will happen. like, i was crying and told my friend about the twin towers. he laughed at me and i was so mad i told him he was so stupid cuz he does not even watch cnn. we even called our other friends and to my horror, i was wrong but i was sure i just saw it on tv. it happened a day later. (there are info i know which have not happened but sometimes i dont really know where i got them.)

    i suggest you tell her the truth about these phenomenons. do not be afraid that you will scare her because i am sure she already is. i was and i did not get any comfort cuz no one believed me. its very important that she feels that you believe her so she will tell you every experience she encounters. chronicle them in a diary. lastly, don't turn out all the lights in her room when she sleeps. leave a small lamp turned on. it'll serve as her beacon.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and it is easier for younger children to experience these things because their mind is very opened. You are not the only one.

  • Enough
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I've never seen a ghost or anything like that. I've always wanted to. The closest I've ever come to the supernatural was an orgasm I had once..........WOW. Sorry, but it's true.

  • swot
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    yeah loads, and am afraid i wont leave myself open to ridicule by explaining my experiences. but yes, "there is more in heaven and earth", as i believe polonius said to horatio in hamlet.

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