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Has anyone else???

Ever been regressed? As in taken back to a past life through hypnosis? I was done about nine years ago, yet remember it as if it was only yesterday. I used to be a man, who was hanged for doing illegal things trying to support a daughter he was raising alone. I could see ships, proper big old sail ships, and I was wearing one of those tri-peak hats. (Like a highwayman) I was hanged from a tree next to a windmill. I am very serious about this. No p*** taking please.


Its funny you mentioned the nack pain though. I read about a little boy who was really messed up, so was hypnotised and they discovered he was in a war in his past life. He was shot through the hand and had suffered exzema in this life, but only on that hand!!! I had never had exzema in my life, but when i was pregnant with my first son, i had a large patch of exzema on my throat, right at the point where the rope would go. It went away as soon as my son was born.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    If you're paying attention to your life, here and now, you will notice there are certain symbols and situations that keep coming up, re-appearing. These are a culmination of the emotional states of your past lives that your Higher Self remembers and brings to you to help you resolve them.

    When you recall the events be more conscious of the emotions because these are what those images are projecting back to you. This is what needs resovled in you, so that you integrate the resolution into your whole being. The more you feel the more integrated you become, resulting in more health and happiness.

    Also, when recalling the events of the past ask yourself to tell you who the people then are in your life today. For instance, one of my sisters today was my daughter in the past: one brother today an enemy in the past, etc. Once you identify the person, look to how you are emotionally playing life out, then, either 1) discuss those emotions with the person in the context of today to help resolve them 2) seek counselling in whatever form is best for you 3) meditate on the emotional conditions to reach images of resolution.

    If this information helps -

    The life you have related is some time between 1750-1800s and windmills were used all over Europe and Eastern USA, and Canada. Windmills were used as motors are today in places that had strong winds and no rivers for the watermills. The tri-peak hats were the fashion for men in the era, but the poor would not have owned one. The hats cost money and were status symbols of how much income a man would have each year. Also, the cleaner the hat the more money, because only the richest of the rich had more than one hat or the servants to clean everything they owned.

    Hanging for theft could have been merely for a loaf of bread, as that was very common amongst the poor and they hung children for stealing food. It was in this era that Britian created the 'workhouse', orignally for poor women to work off their room and board while pregnant, then they would leave their child and go make their way in the world. Rare was it that they ever saw the child again. Eventually this became the debtor's prision, for men and women, poor or wealthy, as it was equally criminal owe another money to stealing property.

  • keefer
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am not sure about regression. The human brain is an amazing thing and can retain loads of information. I have read that some people who have thought they have revealed a past life, have in actuality recounted a life from a character in a novel they may have read years and years before, or some historical character etc. This is not to denigrate the experiences of others. It's just I think there needs to be a lot more study of the brain and mind before we can say conclusively. Our brains are astounding.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always fancied a go at regression. Can't shake the feeling that I was a Victorian Prostitute with big skirts and manky teeth, selling myself to buy some gin. I'm not like that now obviously.........

    They did a load of this stuff on This Morning last year. It was quite interesting. Not sure how much of it is influenced by things you might have seen or read though. Its worth a try. You may discover something really intriguing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I work as a hypnotherapist and have regressed many people.

    Firstly whether past life regression is real or not is not the issue here. Regardless of your beliefs, PLR is a fantastic way of getting through to the subconscious mind and resolving issues that presetn themselves in this life.

    From my own personal experience, my clients recall other lives with startling clarity and experience the full emotions attached to that existence. I have successfully helped many people through major physical ailments with PLR, as you resolve the issue that is causing you the pain.

    Subconscious stress manifests itself in physical ailments, ask anyone with major stress, they suffer physically. Same here, if the trauma is in the past life or childhood in this life, it can affect you. I work with cancer patients and resolving these issues in the mind has had brillaint results, often confounding "conventional medical opinion".

    The more PLR you do the more you realise that there is often a theme or common thread throughout all of your lives. I think everyone shoudl try it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not only have I had this done, but I now give past life readings. Many people who have hang ups in this lifetime are a direct link back to a previous lifetime. Example: Many people who are afraid of the water, more than likely drowned in a past life, or had a near drowning experience in a past life. I recently did a past life reading for a woman who was also hung from a tree. After the reading she said to me that all of her life she had felt as though there was something around her neck, but couldn't explain it to anyone. At times is was so bad that she had actually went to a Dr. but he couldn't find anything wrong with her. Several days later she called me back to say that that feeling was gone now. She finally was able to release this feeling.

    Past life's are very interesting. Many of us come back as the opposite sex. This helps our spirit and soul grow and evolve more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Never been under hypnosis,though I kinda mesmerized some people and did little telepathy experiments.

    As 4 a past life,I found out that in my previous life I was a female archaeologist,luckily never found out how I died .

  • Cat D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I havent been regressed but have wanted to do this for I believe in past lives. I often wonder if we have to live life over until we treat others the way everyone should be treated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats very interesting. I would love to try this but nobody does this in my area because i live in a small town in the middle of nowhwere. I think that past lives help us to become a higher being in our later lives. One ? though...what does the last line of your ? mean??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No not yet may be in the future

  • 1 decade ago

    You are mental. It is a load of b@llocks and you are crackers.

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