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Lv 6
Sashie asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Immigration laws in other countries ...?

If you read up about it, you'll find that most other countries base their immigration requirements on what is good for the host country, not what is good for the prospective immigrant .. they have points systems which spell out what qualities they are looking for, what jobs they can do, what they can contribute to the host society ... no other country I've ever heard of accepts immigrants on the basis that "they are poor and want a better life for themselves" ...

Why are we the only ones who are even contemplating giving amnesty to poorly educated law breakers who contribute zilch to our economy? Or who don't have any marketable skills?

And please don't give me the bullcrap about doing jobs Americans won't do, or the statue of Liberty again ... when they rephrase that poem to "give me your law breakers, thiefs, gangs, child molesters, etc." I might listen ...

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are so VERY right!! Other countries exercise the right to select the type of immigrants they need so they can have contributing members of society and not just the dregs of the societies of other countries! We need to stop being the "nice guy" and get tough. We have the laws, just need to enforce them!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. LEGAL Immigration is not the issue. It's ILLEGAL immigration that's the problem. There is no doubt that we need LEGAL immigrants. Most countries rely on LEGAL immigration these days since people are not having as many children as before. The cost to get to the USA ILLEGALLY could have been use to get here LEGALLY and it would have been cheaper. Getting a simple passport will allow you to get to the USA. Once you get here you can apply for a green card to be allowed to WORK LEGALLY any where without having to accept low pay. It will also give them more rights to sue an employer if they feel the employer has committed fraud against them.

    Should we give amnesty to those who are already here? NO! Our government did that 20 years ago when we only had about 1 million illegals and look where we are now. Now we have an estimated 11 million illegals. So amnesty is NOT the answer. Should we change the process that it takes to become a citizen? Definitely.

  • 4 years ago

    type one Misdemeanor? it quite is BEE ESS! I were given stuck with a suspended motive force license 3 situations in 5 years in Florida, i'm a FELON! by no skill had an coincidence, by no skill had a DUI, yet i'm a Felon because I drove a automobile after I might want to no longer have. Do you've any theory how uncomplicated that is for a citizen to change right into a felon? Why no longer the folk who do not belong right here to commence with? except that, i love it. shame the State had to do it. , yet sensible to make certain that a number of their legislators had the middle!

  • 1 decade ago

    (^^Hadenough, please tell us who all the imposters are, ALL of the imposters, who are they? Give us a list, or quit your guessing. People get slam dunked around here for breaking the Community Rules of Yahoo, pure and simple. I have never seen this board without the jerks; pass them over, isn't that what WarriorBabe had in mind; how many have really done it, including you, Miss Senior Regular.)

    Sashie, I agree with that post up there; we don't really care what the constitutions of other countries say. We only care that the constitution of this country is now in the biggest CATCH22 of several centuries!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    these are GENERALIZATIONS about people who are here illegally ..........or do you have a specific country or culture in mind



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since you sit there interpreting the constitutional laws of other countries, will you please state your occupation; you spend an awful lot of time on the yahoo answers to be able hold a job. What do YOU contribute to this economy?

    Pray tell what you do for a living; who made you judge and jury? And don't give me the bullcrap about you being a minister for the jehovas witness cult!

    If the immigration laws of other countries are better, what the hell are you doing here; or why do the citizens of the countries you speak of all want to come here. For all that's wrong with the US, it is still the best place to be!

  • Well it will stop soon-happening more and more.

    yars posted a nice post on certain thinks getting done and I have read others.

    Now I just wish we could get the very very ignorant impostors off the yahoo board. Who do they think they are fooling?

  • 1 decade ago

    humm, let me see where would the population of the usa be if the native americans had the same view to the early settlers. they are the only ones who should be complain about immigration. before any one else posts a question like this just remember to think that you are a immigrant as well, and think what do you offer society.

  • brock
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    AMEN to that!!!! I agree with you 100%!!! The U.S. is the only country that allows this type of insanity!!

  • 1 decade ago

    You are so right! Illegal immagrants are just that..ILLEGAL..they are criminals. Get them out of here. Round them up and give them a free ride.....home.

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