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save my marriage?

my husband is at his wits end with me. He says he just wants to be alone. I am controling and over bearing. I have been hurt bad in the past and I do see the control in me. I want to work things out because he is the best I have ever had. He said he would miss me but he's just not happy. How can I turn things around so that he will want to be with me again?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Got health insurance? Most of them will cover at least a handful of visits to a counselor (not necessarily both of you; just you by yourself). Some workplaces even have a separate program for that. You see the control in yourself, which is awesome compared to what you could be like, but you're going to need someone else's help to get to the root of why you have it (even if you think you know, you may not know all of it!) and what you can do to help work around it.

    If nothing else, telling your hubby that you're making appointments to see a counselor should help convince him that you're serious about wanting to make the marriage work.

    Also: don't be afraid to leave and try another counselor if the one you start out with doesn't seem to be right for you.

  • DM
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    save my marriage? offshore_idol, don't know if you'll find that answer here.... so, I go on anyway...

    "How can I turn things around so that he will want to be with me again?"

    He sez you are controling and overbearing... so why don't you believe him???...

    If, indeed you are, then I think that I'd see you a mile away and you'd never know that I saw you. I'd let you have whomever you wanted if you could have them. they deserve you. and may actually want you.

    So, is that what you want...?

    Oh, I know it has a question mark behind it but is,

    "save my marriage?" a question or a command?

    Only if I knew you said somin' like

    "I want to work things out..."

    would you know I was around...

    "How can I turn things around..."

    I believe that you may know what I believe if you read this far...


  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You could try marriage counseling, if you can get him to agree to go.

    Personally I wouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me.

  • 1 decade ago

    my dear, go to God in prayer he will definetly answer you by his grace. People will give you different answers and opinion, my dear, only God will solve that situation.

    Source(s): research
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Stop your controlling and overbearing ways!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    give him some head thats whats wrong with him

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