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Favorite Answers6%
  • How Much is a Web Site/Domain Name Worth?

    A web site that has registers users, understandably, is worth more than a "static" web site. So, what is a web site worth (actual resale price) with 100 registered users, 1000 registered user, 10,000 registered users. 100,000 registered users, etc.?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Should I consider entering into a relationship with either of these two unmarried women?

    I know a family that has 3 daughters...

    each have been married once.

    the youngest daughter was the first to divorce

    after that divorce her parents got a new game room onto their house and a pool in the back yard.

    this daugher has since remarried to a childhood sweetheart who is a farmer with a large family farm.

    the middle daugher was the second to divorce. her husband eventually got the 200-500 farm that he wanted..

    after she divorce him her parents got that farm...

    she has not remarried..

    the oldest daughter's marriage lasted the longest. her husband acquired wealth by owning stocks in public companies..

    after she divorced him i lost contact with her parents but the ex-husband and his daughter's stock were taken from them..

    she has not remarried..

    should I consider a relationship with either of these two unmarried women?



    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • do you find it frustrating when it is self-contained (like OHM's law) - immediate apprehension?

    the faculty or act of apprehending, esp. intuitive understanding; perception on a direct and immediate level.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • intuition then who or what created it?

    direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • intuitive, then, is created by what or whom?

    obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The games ppl play now every night & every day now never meanin' what they say now never sayin' what they mean

    The games people play now. Every night & every day now. Never meanin' what they say now. Never sayin' what they mean...

    People love drama...

    and in that drama, they say they want "real"

    Who believes that?



    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If it is someones nature to mindlessly hurt others, do they deserve your respect?

    Does this scorpion deserve your respect?

    A turtle was swimming downstream in the middle of the river.

    A scorpion was on one side and called the turtle to that side.

    "Turtle" Scorpion pleaded, "I cannot swim, will you let me ride on your back to the other side of the river."

    "Scorpion," Turtle exclaimed, "you are a scorpion, you will sting me, and then I'll die! No!"

    "Turtle, if I do that then we'd both die, do you think I am that stupid?" ask Scorpion.

    Turtle thought about it and decided that that made sense and told Scorpion to get on his back.

    As Turtle was swimming accross the river, half way across Scorpion stung Turtle on the neck.

    "Scorpion, what did you do that for," ask Turtle? "Now you'll die, too" Turtle said, nearing its last breath.

    Scorpion replied, "I know I'll die, Turtle. You knew it, too, in your 1st comment, I can't stop myself, it's in my nature."

    I'm not asking if you respect the danger the scorpion poses but for "what it is" - its "humanitity"?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what ACTIONs DO I DO that attracts this type of woman?

    My ex is in a different state.

    My daugher is in an even different state on her own.

    I have had maybe 12 "almost" girl friends since my divorce.

    I didn't approach or pursue any of these 12, they came to me.

    I do what I enjoy...

    I don't go to:

    bars, clubs, church, governments, (You know, any place that people go to, when they are looking for someone to tell them what to do.)

    After 2 wks to 6 mo., I go to her moms when she wants me to meet her ( I really think so mom can meet ME)

    Soon after this (1 day to 2 months) after this they ALL leave me

    (I believe that her heart belongs to momma and I'm not getting between that)

    (one stayed long enough to figure out that her mom was starting all the drama around her,(rumor, gossip, lies, etc) and was bold enough to tell me on our last "date"

    Since I don't believe ALL women can be listening to momma and I don't believe it is my looks that attracts these women...

    what ACTIONs DO I DO that attracts this type of woman?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I believe most people are good and want to you agree?

    look at the answers to most of the questions...

    most people want to help...

    ...even when it is a joke question (and the yahoo censors are too stupid to understand) most people want to help(except the yahoo censors)

    What do you think help or hurt?

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I believe I'm learning from your answers, so maybe I can ask a better question...?

    My ex is in a different state.

    My daugher is in an even different state on her own.

    I have had maybe 12 "almost" girl friends since my divorce.

    I didn't approach or pursue any of these 12, they came to me.

    I don't go to:

    bars, clubs, church, governments, (You know, any place that people go to, when they are looking for someone to tell them what to do.)

    I go to her moms when she wants me to meet her ( I really think so mom can meet ME)

    Soon after this (1 day to 2 months) after this they ALL leave

    (one stayed long enough to figure out that her mom was starting all the drama around her,(rumor, gossip, lies, etc) and was bold enough to tell me on our last "date"

    Since I don't believe ALL women can be this way and I don't believe it is looks...

    what ACTIONs DO I DO that attracts this type of woman?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Now that I see I asked the wrong question, I'll try again... ...same question different words..?

    It seems that ALL the women that are attracted to me, after my divorce, are letting someone else decide for them, whether THEY should be with me or not....

    All women can't be this way...

    ...but that is ALL that is attracted to me.

    I must need to do somin' different since I can't change my looks...

    What do I need to do that is attractive to women that believe in themselves?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is it that everyone that has been interested in me, then, after their mother has met me, they go away?

    I am divorced.

    I've "almost" had girlfriends since my divorce. With ALL of them, we seem to be getting along fine for maybe 1 or 6 months. Then....

    their mother meets me!!! (Tells me how wonderful I am, too) Again, with ALL of them, it is not long until they lose interest in me and we drift apart! They stop talking to me...¿

    I believe that I stay the same, they just stop talking. After a few unreturn phone calls, well, then I stop calling them as well... ...I don't like a one way conversations so I don't make one...

    these one way conversations didn't happen before "mother" met me.

    What's going on?

    What should I do differently?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago