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Question about post-partum....?

I know hormones are off the roof after pregnancy, but, 3 MONTHS LATER, is it normal to have mood swings and get extremely angry about simple things?

I want to find out if this is something hormonal or psycological. Ima single mother and had a hard pregnancy due to the baby's father leaving us when I was just 4 months preganant...

Is it due to the hormones or do I need psycological help to get over what happened?


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would go to the doctor just to see. Postpartum is very common and women can experience it well after three months. Talk to your doctor and see what they say.

    I really feel for you. I was in a similar situation, but mine wasn't postpartum. I have just suffered from depression my whole life, and my son's sperm donor made it a lot harder. I know how hard it is to raise a baby on your own, but it is very rewarding. I hope that you have family and friends to give you a break from the baby because you will definitely need it. Try to enjoy this time, because before you know it the baby will be about to start school and you will regret things that you didn't do when they were a baby. I think I spent so much time being pissed, that I didn't enjoy my son enough when he was a baby. It goes so fast, so really try to change your mindset. Hopefully, the doctor can help you. I wish you good luck and hope everything will be fine:)

  • I really feel for you. I had the same experience after I had my kids. After I had my first child, I stayed depressed all the time. I think due to the fact that her father didn't really care for me, and he was mentally abusive. We split on account of my post-partum depression. I was back to my old self year and half later. I thought I was crazy about the depression issue with my first, but I remarried and had another child, and I was blue again for another year and half later, but not as bad. This time I was (am) in a stable relationship. I had terrible mood swings, that even surprised me. I love children, but I don't plan on any more, because of the mood swings.

    I know it's lonely being a single mother, and sometimes you might feel like hiding and crying. It helps to have a refreshing cry. What could help you is find a moms group in your area. By staying active and around different people will somewhat keep your mind off yourself and direct it towards other people and your precious baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am also a single mother and had a very difficult time raising my baby alone since the father left us when he was 6 months old. My son is 18 months now and I am currently taking medications for my disability. I was diagnosed with Post-partum depression, but I ended up in the hospital because of it. I stayed in the hospital for three weeks, so Post-partum depression is pretty serious. If you feel depressed all of the time and feel like you don't want to care for your baby even though you love him/her with all of your hearts, it may be Post-partum depression. There were times when I would be rough with my baby and not care if he was crying in pain. I was too depressed to care about the condition of my own baby. So, if you have Post-partum depression, it's usually very severe and serious. You should read the book that Brooke Shields wrote. I read her book also and it helped me understand my condition more clearly. She was also diagnosed with Post-partum depression. Check it out.

    Source(s): Down came the Rain: My Journey through Post-partum depression by Brooke Sheilds
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I easily were stricken by positioned up partum melancholy for the previous one 3 hundred and sixty 5 days after I gave start to slightly one boy. i could not end wondering about how my husband loves him more desirable than me and how issues might want to be more desirable helpful if he wasn't born in any respect. accordingly, I stayed faraway from him because I knew that i'd do something i'd be apologetic about for something else of my existence. very just about immediately I went to a therapist and persuade them that i need help. between different issues, i have tried organic supplements and different e book to handle melancholy yet no longer something works like the melancholy loose approach. So now i'm proud to assert i'm between the happiest mom in the international. My husband loves us both very a lot and that i thank the Lord for the blessing he gave us. melancholy loose approach?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could be experiencing post-partum depression. I didn't recognize it until 6months later. I told my OB about my feelings and he prescribed me antidepressents. He also said that to make sure you start with a low dose, but I will warn you, I read that Paxil and Effexor are addictive, so take that into consideration if you decide to take anything. I'm really sorry about having to go through this alone, but they say things happen for a reason, and maybe it's for the best for both of you. Good Luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a little of both.I went through the same thing and really wished I'd sought out some counseling.I'm better now but four years ago I was a pissed off hormonal mess.Give it time and try not to take the frustration out on the baby.

  • deb
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You probably have severe post partum depression. You should tell your doctor, because it really should be treated. Three months is a long time to be edgy. You need to look after your own health, and ensure the well being of your child. Don't wait. Call your doctor. Good luck, hon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could be post partum depression. My wife went through this after our second child was born. I'd suggest seening a Dr soon. My wifes doc put her on an anti depressant (paxil) and it really did wonders. She was on it for about 1 1/2 yrs.

    Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my gosh...normal normal normal! But NO fun at all. I was feeling the same way after my second baby. I talked to my lady doctor about it and she was so sweet. She told me that we couldn't have me feeling so badly when I had a sweet baby to take care of. She gave me a RX and things began to improve pronto.

    I can't even imagine going through the last year that you have had. Please get help. Either from your ob/gyn or a therapist. Take good care of yourself so that you can be a great mommy for that new little kidlet in your life. Best heart goes out to you.

    Source(s): my life.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    STREsS on top of changin hormones which will last until about your child's first birtthday is insane. I just had my 4th 3 weeks ago and wow it is hitting me now like a ton of brick. But I also know i am stressed out so that hadds to it. Wellbitrin or something in that field will really help. TRUSt ME. ALso talking to a coulselor will also help....

    Source(s): mom of 4
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