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Would you date someone who had sexual relations with someone of another race?

It doesn't bother me at all. I believe in one race, the human race. When me and my boyfriend argue he always brings up the fact that I've been with men who were not white, it really bothers him.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't matter what race or who you're were with in the past, if you're with him now. Tell him to get over it or move on!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am married to a black man, and I have two beautiful children. We live in a town of 300 so you can imagine the concern many people here had. After getting to know him everyone's opinion has changed. There are certain people who don't give everyone an opportunity to show there real person, because they are too wrapped up in the skin color. He is probably jealous, and knows that it gets to you so he will continue to throw it in your face. Everyone is created equal, and if he can't except you for who you are he is not someone that you need to waste alot of your time on.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to move on to a new boyfriend. First, it shouldn't matter, since we are all dependent on each other in the long run of the human species, and second, if it comes up even once as a problem for him, then he's treating you with contempt, not respect.

    Move along.

  • 1 decade ago

    If someone's race is not a problem to you, then you should let him know that. These guys are the past. If he cannot accept that, perhaps this is a sign things might not work out with him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder if the "not white" thing is because he's too embarrassed to bring up the fact that you have been with anyone.

    If it is the guys of other races thing, hell, I don't know, but it's stupid.

  • lee f
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i bet it bothers him about all your previous dates. if they're all white, he'll find a reason to put you down, perhaps because of those peoples life mistakes. this is a dangerous type, control freak. unless he's trying to help and he's being gentle not mean, i would not date him, be careful, i promise it's everything , not just the other color or whatever. really, he's hating you! because he brings it up. remember the other person came before him. if it's you egging it on then y'all are playing b.s...

  • 1 decade ago

    Does love Have color, Race ,Religion...???

    Hi, Mr . "boyfriend" come back to your senses !!!

    There are lots of burning issues to be bothered about!!!

    Are we still in the 17th century?

    It is like shot ting Martin L.King in his grave. STOP IT !

  • 1 decade ago

    I look with my heart. Not with my eyes. Color is just another of our interesting diversities. That said, I will continue. Why in the world would your boyfriend care who you were with in the past as long as you are with him now? And why in the world would you be with someone who demeans you in such a way?

  • 1 decade ago

    He found something that will push your buttons that is why he says those things. If you were to go for just white men he would find something else to say about your ex's. Act as if it doesn't bother you that he says those things.

  • 1 decade ago

    it doesn't matter what race they are. he sounds racist and you need to think if you want to really be with someone like that. everyone is different and never should be judged by color!!!!

    sounds like he needs to grow -up a lot


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