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Why is my husband so addicted to cannabis???

He has a bad back but I think that is just a big old excuse!!!

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably the same reason that I am. IT'S THA BOMB and its all natural. Pass the dutchie pon de left hand side. :-)

    Purple Melvin is a SNITCH! He turned in his on know that ain't right!!!

  • Well I think it is because it is very addicting. And of course the "bad back" thing is just another excuse. A bad one at that.But when you ask an obvious question, it sounds like you are really asking something like what should you do about it. If you really love him you would get him some help. If he really loves you then he would want to change for you. I don't think you should just leave him because he has a problem. You guys should talk about it and come to an agreement on what to do about it. If he is a jerk and won't make a change for you then you dump him. No drug is worth loosing your girl, and anyone who feels otherwise deserves to be dumped. I hope for you the best and I hope your man does the right thing. This is definately something that needs to be addressed, though!!

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Cannibis is not an addictive substance. He may have a heavy habit, but an addiction and a habit are not the same thing.

    as for his back, cannibis has been shown to reduce pain in many studies, but it still may only be an excuse. If it bothers you, and he is dead set on doing it anyway, you may have reached an impasse.

    Also know that, like anything, dieting, smoking, caffeine, quitting can make someone very cranky for a while. bare that in mind before you give him any ultimatums.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a very addictive substance. Pot is not as innocuous as many would like to believe. It had a very strong hold on me for many years and it took almost just as many to free myself from its grip and its residual effects.

    Your husband may need help, and you must know that marijuana addiction is a disease. Only he can make the decision to get help and ultimately free himself from the bondage of addiction.

    I suggest you attend your local AL-ANON meetings to learn about what you can do to help your husband. You can find meetings in the yellow pages of your local phone book under alcoholism.

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  • 1 decade ago

    thc is a natural substance produce by our bodies and connects to certain receptors in our brains. it makes us feel content. cannabis gives a person many times more thc than the body can produce so it makes them feel really content. the side affect is that the body gets lazy about production when a chemical is introduced artificially. it may take a while to kick in again, and thats where the craving comes from.

    just be glad he's not hooked on oxycoton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Does he complain that his back hurts after he has used it? Cannibus contrary to popular belief is not a bad drug, it is actually a very good drug that can treat most illnesses. So it probably isnt just an excuse, its probably the only thing that works for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Other than the nasty smell it doesnt bother me at all. If he enjoys it and doesnt let the kids know about it, assuming you have small ones, I say live and let live. I've never known a pot smoker to be violent or anything like that. I know of some and they are some of the mellowest poeple I know. Life is short .."enjoy every sandwich...." know what I mean vern?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well unless you walk in his shoes and know his pain back off, I'm one of them, and if you want to walk in my shoes, here there are..... I've been disabled since 1994 and had to stop working. Pain pills will mess you up big time and they cost$$$$$$ for what ulcers?? From the pills I have two ulcers in my throat. I'll be happy to debate you on this subject.

  • 1 decade ago

    ive been growing for 5 years legally and most people that truly need weed its not for pain rather to stimulate appetite and fight nausea from many other medications some say the t h c level needs to be strong thats crap as well because people smoking for true medical benefits dont depend on the thc they have more need for the cannabinoids and essential oils from marijuana

    Source(s): i no what i grow
  • 1 decade ago

    Of course it's an excuse, so what? Why are you all uptight about it? Maybe that's why he's gotta smoke to relax! And don't worry, marijuana is NOT addictive. If you chill out, he probably will too.

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