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Lv 5
. asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Can I just say goodbye to Yahoo answers?

I've been using this site for a while now and it just isn't fun any more. I've asked some serious questions and gotten stupid answers so I tried asking some less serious (but harmless) questions and people have reported me.

I've also put up my picture to show I'm a real person, but some people have just taken this as an excuse to insult me.

It's gotten worse lately too, people would rather just thumb your question down than actually try answering it

I'm also sick of these vulgar questions that some people seem to love posting.

I apologise if anyone took offence to my last question. Well, actually I apologise to some people but not to others.

Anyway, most of you won't care about any of this and will either tell me to stop complaining because 'this is all supposed to be fun' or will just insult me. But I'm past caring. Just type whatever you like and take your 2 points.

However I have gotten to know 1 or 2 people here and I'd like to say goodbye to them, you probably know who you are


Thanks to most of the answerers so far. I might actually come back in a few weeks and see if things have improved.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sorry to hear you're leaving. I've never had the pleasure of "meeting" you but I know what it's like to pose a serious question and get stupid answers. I'm hoping you'll reconsider. We need intelligent, thoughtful people like you and fewer people like the one who answered you here first.

    Source(s): :(
  • Paul H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Some people are nice (most in fact) and some people are jerks. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Take a break from this and come back in a few weeks after having a nice refreshing vacation from Yahoo! Answers. I get the same BS sometimes from people that could care less about what I ask and I don't want to give 2 points to, let alone the time of day. Come back and go to level 5, but realize you are dealing with people of all stripes, so unfortunately on here you have to take the good with the bad.

    Source(s): I've seen a lot of the questions and answers on here!
  • 1 decade ago

    I find Answers to be a great diversion. Maybe you take it too seriously. I know many people post stupid answers to serious questions and others ridicule frivilous questions. We just put up with them. Some people use this as a platform for their own positions. Some post esoteris questions for whatever reasons. All this is what makes it what it is. If you feel you are not getting anything out of it, then stop. I use my avatar as it represents what I am, see the full picture on my 360. I have gotten around 4% 0f my answers chosen as best. The answers I feel are the best don't get chosen, go figure. I guess what i am trying to say is "we have no control over others reactions to our postings, so we just deal with it." Good luck in whatever you decide.

  • 1 decade ago

    I read your bio and you, just like I am, are in the minority with this website by being over 30. Kids will be kids and you just have to consider the source and move on. A lot of people couldn't give an original answer unless it fell out of the sky, and that wouldn't be original, now would it? My opinion is to not let people run you away from where you want to be. If you still really want to be here. Good luck and Be Blessed.

    *And when I say kids, I don't mean everyone. Some of the younger people on here are very respectful.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is definitely a lot of vulgar and stupid stuff that some post on here, but I just try to weed through all of that. That's difficult I know, and sometimes I feel like I've had enough, but I always seem to come back. Why don't you take a break for a few days and see how you feel?

  • Keira
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I actually quite sad after reading your post & I don't know you, don't remember answering any of your questions (but may have, I apologise if I have been sarcastic/rude along the way!).

    I actually admire you for kicking the Yahoo habit and don't really blame you for being p****d off about using Yahoo Answers if your experience is bad as you say - hope you do come back one day, and as one person said, you can still use it to research stuff. Goodbye & Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    a long time ago a cartoonist made a t-shirt that had a bunch of ugly birds standing on a defeated looking guy. it said, "Don't let the turkeys get you down."

    same applies here. don't let the behavior of others dictate what you do. i agree, some people surf this site to chalk up as many worthless 2 point answers as they can in an hour. others actually provide real answers or thought provoking differences in opinion. the site is used in all sorts of different ways, which is a pretty real view of life...there are all kinds. if you leave, do so on your terms, not theirs.

  • mom
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hope you won't give up on this site completely. Many of us are sick of the ignorant and vulgar questions. My hope is that there will soon be more people that honestly want to ask and answer questions with some degree of intelligence. Soon, the immature, ignorant pranksters will get bored and go away. I will be looking for you and hope to answer another one of your questions soon. Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    My 2 points from yahoo and 10 points from you!

    Actually, the main objective of the Yahoo! Answers is not just raising your points. Here, there are different people, for different purposes. You can ignore stupid and bad answers and take what is useful for you. Anyways, if you don't like to stay here, you can quit. Goodbye and goodluck!

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You can do whatever you'd like.

    The good news is that your points will still be here if you ever decide to come back.

    Use this site because it is informative and because you will make a good friend or two. Ignore those who give stupid answers. Good luck.

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