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Lv 56,601 points


Favorite Answers17%
  • Why is the Yahoo answers forum allowed to be ruled by one forum member?

    I made a perfectly reasonable point on the Y!A forum and was repeatedly insulted by another forum member.

    This person also called another forum member stupid. Why does Yahoo! allow this?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is anyone here from the early days of Yahoo! answers?

    Just wondering if there's anyone still here that used to use answers from the beginning or the early days of the site. I've been using this site since March and there doesn't seem to be anyone that I used to know.

    This site used to be a lot more helpful by the way. This is a question I asked earlier, look at the 4th answer -;_ylt=AhO62...

    Answers was a far better site before it was taken over by six year old kids.

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why have all my answers been deleted?

    It looks like my account has been hacked or something. All I can see is the last 5 questions I asked. My profile says my total answers are -12259 (MINUS 12259).

    I still have all my points though.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why does anyone bother asking a question if they don't want a real answer (see details)?

    Look at the second answer to this

    it's a very good (and correct) answer and someone thumbed it down, presumably the asker of the question, I doubt he asked the question for any reason other than to offend people.

    Seriously, this site is a joke.

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Ever get sick of trying to help people here?

    I actually sign in here to genuinely help people. I don't answer serious questions that I can't give a decent answer to. I don't give rude answers, even if a question is racist I give my opinion without insulting the asker. I don't condescend people by saying "use spell check". I actually think about the answer I'm giving. Yet for some reason everything I answer or ask is thumbed down.

    I got sick of this site a couple of months ago and gave up on it for about a month, I gave it another chance to see if it had gotten better.

    I don't particularly care about all the thumbs down I'm going to get, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do people realise answering a question by saying "reported" or "no chatting" is a reportable offense?

    I've seen a lot of people answering questions by saying "reported" or "no chatting" or pasting the community guidelines. These people are hypocrites as they're not answering the question that someone asked, this can be and should be reported as 'not a question or answer'.

    If people concentrated on giving decent answers to decent questions and having a sense of humour about the less serious questions this would be a far better site.

    People should clean up their own back yard before they criticise and condescend other people.

    Another pet peeve of mine is people saying "use spell check", this is also reportable.

    I'm talking mainly about the people that do this with harmless questions by the way, not the really offensive ones.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think it's unethical to try to beat speed cameras?

    I've seen a website advertising a product that you spray over your number plate so speed cameras won't catch you. I think this is a terrible idea. The speed limit and speed cameras are there for a reason, to stop people getting KILLED. If you don't want to be caught by a speed camera then just drive at a sensible speed. I actually think the speed limit on most roads should be reduced by about 5 miles (or more).

    This is the first question I've asked here in over a month, I hope I'll get more sensible answers than I did last time I was here....

    7 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Does a valid question, however frivolous, not deserve a valid answer (see details)?

    I asked a question yesterday and the majority of people gave unhelpful answers. I asked a following question on why people can't give better answers, what I said in the question may have been harsh but I still stand by a lot of what I said - a proper question deserves a proper answer.

    Most people here think if a question isn't important they can just dismiss it and give a nonsensical answer Someone said 'an answer is only as good as the question'. I disagree, if I can answer a question I do and I don't put the person down for being curious about something that may not matter to me. Most of the questions here aren't life or death matters but I don't think anyone has a right to judge what someone asks, either answer a question if you know it or move on.

    If I ask a question it's to get an answer, it's not to impress people.

    I also got an email saying 'you're not better than anyone else'. I never claimed to be better than anyone else, I just want to be treated with some respect.

    14 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can I just say goodbye to Yahoo answers?

    I've been using this site for a while now and it just isn't fun any more. I've asked some serious questions and gotten stupid answers so I tried asking some less serious (but harmless) questions and people have reported me.

    I've also put up my picture to show I'm a real person, but some people have just taken this as an excuse to insult me.

    It's gotten worse lately too, people would rather just thumb your question down than actually try answering it

    I'm also sick of these vulgar questions that some people seem to love posting.

    I apologise if anyone took offence to my last question. Well, actually I apologise to some people but not to others.

    Anyway, most of you won't care about any of this and will either tell me to stop complaining because 'this is all supposed to be fun' or will just insult me. But I'm past caring. Just type whatever you like and take your 2 points.

    However I have gotten to know 1 or 2 people here and I'd like to say goodbye to them, you probably know who you are

    30 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why are people not capable of giving an original answer?

    I asked 'who was the very first person to say thanks for the 2 points here', I got exactly the answer I was expecting. Yes, it might be an obvious answer but so what? Can people not even attempt to do something that isn't obvious and possibly put some thought into an answer? Do people not realise giving the same answer as the 30 people before you makes you look moronic?

    29 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Could someone give a real answer to my last question please?

    And, yes, it is a serious question that I'm curious about.;_ylt=ApVGB...

    You know, if you actually attempt to give a decent answer you might get 12 points instead of just 2

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Who was the first ever person to say 'dunno but thanks for the 2 points' on Yahoo! answers?

    I'd like to know who the culprit is because they have a lot to answer for.

    41 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Anyone else sick of the way this has become a popularity contest rather than a site to get good answers?

    Just looking at the ratings you can tell people are being petty and thumbing down answers to get back at someone rather than because of the quality of the answer. I've seen some good answers get thumbed down. I'm also sick of the way people would rather get a measly 2 points by giving a stupid answer rather than help someone.

    I'll probably get the usual 'have you got nothing else to worry about' answers, well i'm using this site so I might as well express my opinion about it.

    Thanks in advance for all the insults I'm going to get .And thanks for pointing out this 'isn't a real question'. And you're welcome for the 2 points so no need to thank me by saying 'thanks for the 2 points'.

    Then again no one will have read any of what I just typed because it's more than 2 lines long.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I keep getting emails saying I got a best answer (see details before answering)?

    I keep getting emails from Yahoo answers saying I was picked as best answer, I delete the emails but I the same emails again. I've gotten about 5 emails about the same best answer now.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    18 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you get a fright when you go to a website and it says 'hello' or something (see details)?

    Have you ever gone to a site with one of those talking ads? For instance those smiley central ads that say 'hello' or 'oh behave'. They're usually on those lyrics or guitar tab sites

    I hate these ads, especially when I have the volume on my PC turned up. It's bad enough that ads are all over a website without having them talking.

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Can people not answer questions in the spirit they're intended (details)?

    I've seen people asking questions which were obviously a light-hearted joke and they got answers like 'you deserve to die for wasting my time'.

    But on the other hand I've seen people with serious questions getting stupid answers like 'thanks for the 2 points' or worse. I've even seen people asking 'should I kill myself' and people have said 'yeah, go ahead'.

    I think there's room for both having fun and to help people here, if you want to have fun then you can but not at someone elses expense, also serious answers deserve a serious response.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do people care so much here about other peoples religion (see details)?

    Any time I look at Yahoo answers it's full of questions criticising anyone who believes in God. Why does anyone care what someone else believes in? Is it effecting your life what someone else believes in? I believe in God but I don't feel the need to lecture anybody that doesn't, it really doesn't bother me what anyone else believes in or doesn't believe in.

    I've seen the same people asking the same questions every day, do they not have other topics of conversation?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Which of these movie titles sounds best (see details)?

    I want to make a film that will do better at the box office than 'Snakes On A plane'. Here's some titles I've thought up-

    Elephants On A Canoe

    Wombats On A Submarine

    Giraffes On A Tram

    Goats On A Hovercraft

    Pelicans On A Helicopter

    Polar Bears On A Train

    Iguanas On A Motorbike

    Which of these do you think sounds the most promising?

    20 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Should I write a script for a film and call it 'Elephants On A Canoe'?

    It sounds like a better title than 'Snakes On A Plane'.

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why do people think 'dunno' is an acceptable answer (see details)?

    Look at this;_ylt=Ao...

    Someone is actually complaining because he got a violation for saying 'dunno' (I didn't report him by the way). Seriously, why can't people grasp the concept that if you can't don't know a question you shouldn't answer it?

    If you're going to give a rubbish answer that's up to you but you should accept the consequences

    27 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago