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Why do Catholics let the Pope have so much authority over the church?

Is his word as good as law?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    he has a cool hat

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course every denomination has a church leader that sets rules, and does the over all administration duties of thier church.

    The Pope in his position is the direct decendant in the line of authority of the church from Peter, so as Peter was the head of the 12, the pope today is considered at least by Catholics as the head of all the Christian Church

  • Matt M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The pope is really only infallible when he speaks "ex oficio" meaning basically when issuing a sort of executive order. In the 2000 year history of the church this has only happened 3 times, I forget all of them but I know was to show that Mary the mother of Jesus,was conceived by immaculate conception. They are not related to anything of political interest or anything groundbreaking. So basically the pope could issue orders right and left if he wanted but none of them have because the realize it would create rifts amongst the believers which is why they have had to call councils like the 1st and 2nd vatican councils, where the pope, cardinals, bishops and scholars gather to make a decision about creed.

    The popes have somewhat vague commentaries on society but they don't really, like John Paul II issued a few about the growth of pornography in western society but never for example excommunicated Jenna Jameson.

    Source(s): Catholic high school
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Pope is the one picked by the Holy Spirit, through the College of Cardinals, to be the spiritual leader. Who am I to argue with the Holy Spirit?

    He is a man, that is all, chosen to be the successor of St. Peter, the first Bishop of Rome, and Christs vicar on Earth. Given the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. He is special in that regard. He can not make or change the Canon Law without the approval of the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The pope is the successor of Peter, and so the leader of the Church. He doesn't make laws of the Church, just doctrine, and is by no means held higher than anyone else. There is a difference between holding a position of authority and lawmaking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The pope is the chief pastor of the universal church, the bishop among bishops, and the earthly leader who is the direct successor of Peter, who was appointed the first pope, and given sweeping powers by Jesus himself, to govern the whole church.

    All this is strictly biblical and is also proven by history, even though Protestants refuse to accept it.

    The pope is the last absolute ruler on earth.

    No man can countermand his lawful decree ... but God certainly has the power to "fire" him, if he's not happy with his performance in office.

  • 1 decade ago

    Devout Catholics consider the Pope is chosen by God and acts as the ultimate authority on all things - his word is always morally correct for them.

    Less devout Catholics consider the Pope to be an especially wise leader but not infalliable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The primacy, and leadership of Peter is the basis for papal authority.

    Peter throughout the New Testament was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Peter was the leader of the disciples. He was given a special leadership position. Christ first appeared to St.Peter after the resurection, he lead the discpiles choosing the replacment for Judas. I can go on and on.

    HE was the first Bishop of Rome, and by the 2nd century, the title "Bishop of Rome" also became known as "pope", which means father. Linus, also mentioned in the bible was the 2nd pope. The first 30 or so popes died for the faith.

    As the Pope he is the Vicar of Christ. And is Jesus' represenative on Earth, in succession of St.Peter. On matters of morals, and faith he is infallible. The pope is not infallible to sin, despite protestant claims.

    Got any questions email me or something

  • 1 decade ago

    pope means father. he is the head of the church as the successor of peter. Jesus built his church on the rock kepha(peter). therefore he is our leader but gets help from the bishops etc.. the same way peter received help from the other apostles/disciples. remember in the letters anytime they gathered peter had the final say and during any debate what peter said was the final authority and so we have the pope as the final authority with infallible teaching.

  • 1 decade ago

    To give an adequate and complete answer to these Catholic Doctrine and Dogma questions requires much more space than this forum.

    I suggest anyone truly seeking information on Catholicism to go to RCIA classes or at least buy and read a Catechism of the Catholic Church.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well the pope mostly makes decisions regarding the politics of the church. e.g., the church's stance on abortion, gay rights, capital punishment, contraception, etc. this isn't really religious dogma, though many take it as such. the pope doesn't really tell catholics how to pray or what the bible means or jesus hates fags. he's the public leader of the church but the faith part is mostly handled personally or with a local pastor.

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