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ontario ashley asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog has allergies? Rash?

Our dog has tiny red bumps all over her tummy and underside of her legs. No pus, but they are itchy and she scratches all the time. Vet said it could be a rash, could be allergies. Since the rash is localized on just one area (not on her whole body), does that indicate that it is NOT her food that she's allergic to? I assume a food allergy would affect her whole body?

Any thoughts or experiences would help. The vet doesn't seem too concerned but I hate to see her uncomfortable... he said to give her a benadryl but of course I want to find the root of the problem too.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Give the vet some credit. Usually the allergies are minor, and can be caused by tons of things. And if its a newer allergy it could be seasonal, or somthing it was exposed to once. Allergy testing can be expensive, and unneccisary if it clears up. If you tried a new food that could be it. We found with our dogs that the cheaper food didnt contain enough oils to coat their skin. So they were scratching all the time. We switched them to benifull and they stopped scratching. Also dogs dont get allergies the way we do. Our allergies to the enviorment tend to be in our respriitory system, or hyves. Dogs break out in rashes. For them 90% of their allergies are skin related. It could be their food, or something in the lawn, garden, ect. Try figuring out any thing new that was introduced. Did the dog go to a groomers recently? New shampoo? New collar? Try giving him baths more frequently and using a conditioner in addition to the shampoo. Also if you can use a topical benadryl to relieve the area. Also is is possible the dog could have gotten bit by something? Spider, fleas ect? Dogs can also get seasonal allergies just like humans. Good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Medicine is not a perfect science. It is hard to say what she is allergic to. Could be anything. I had a dog once that all the hair around her nose and mouth fell out with an awful red rash to follow. The vet had no clue what caused but the allergy medication did help her. One day quit by accident, I changed her dog dishes from the old plastic ones to the stainless steal. All was cured! The poor dog was allergic to her plastic bowls. Who would have guessed it. Maybe a better more experienced vet could have figured it out, maybe not. Go ahead and give her her pills and ask the vet if you can put an anti-itch cream on there as well. Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    You should have your dog examined, sounds like by a different vet than the one who doesn't want to do anything about it. It can be food allergies even though it's only part of her body that is affected. My boyfriend's mom's dogs have food allergies but it's only their faces that are red & swollen but they scratch all over. (or they did before she put them on a low-allergen food & they started taking medication) You may need to have your dog tested to find out what exactly she is allergic to. Silly as it sounds, dogs can be allergic to anything-even grass! They can have allergies that are so severe they need regular injections to keep things under control. Some dogs (& cats) have allergic reactions to flea bites so that may be an option to explore. The only way to know for sure is to take her in for an exam. Good luck!

    Source(s): employed at a vet clinic for 5 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well the first thing is what kind of food are you feeding him. if no fleas then it's the food. you can give her a benadryl but not always will it help. the thing that you need to do is to give her an oatmeal bath and then use aloe vera gel on the spots. the gel will relieve the itchy feeling and help her heal. if you can't do oatmeal then do a baby shampoo for her, that is a mild shampoo for the skin. but you need to remember to put back the oils that you take out when you bathe her, you can use skin so soft oil just mix a little bit of that in a bottle and add some water then shake it. spray that on her skin. i breed golden retrievers and some times i get one with bad skin but their skin being dry is from the treats i give them. a food allergy can affect part or all of her body.

    a lot of dogs are allergic to beef, soy, corn, wheat, and any by-products of fillers that are found in most store bought foods. good luck.

    Source(s): golden breeder
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  • 1 decade ago

    Go to another vet ( if nothing else for your piece of mind), and try to find the source of her allergies. Both my dogs have allergies and is a process of trial. My Lab is allergic to some grasses so I purchased wet wipes for allergies, and they seem to help along with Benedryl.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mom's vet told her to give her dog Benadryl for her allergies.

    I helps a lot. What sizes of dog do you have?

  • 1 decade ago

    Mine had a similar problem, except it was the fleas he was allergic too. Don't know what you are using for fleas but try revolution or advantage. Some flea treatments maybe good but work on some and not others. Also a cortisone shot my give some quick relief.

  • 1 decade ago

    my dog had the samething. it's a staph infection, and skin allergy. take your pup to the vet. they will give him/her an antibiotic for the staph, and a steroid for the allergy. I gave my dog the meds, and within 3 days it was all gone, no more scratching, and her coat was shiny and soft. Good Luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did she get in a high patch of grass that hit her belly but not the rest of her. Did she go to the park and get into something?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try changing the dog food. my dog haad the same thing and it was caused from he dog food she was alergic to it. and try to keep them inside as much as posible

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