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ontario ashley

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  • How far can we span with an I-beam when removing a supporting wall?

    We are opening up our finished basement, 1 story home. We are removing a supporting wall and would like to replace it with a 6" I-beam with .465" web thickness with jack posts on either end. The span we want is 14 feet. Is this possible, or do we need an additional column and/or taller (8") I-beam?

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How far can we span with an I-beam when removing a supporting wall?

    We are opening up our finished basement, 1 story home. We are removing a supporting wall and would like to replace it with a 6" I-beam with .465" web thickness with jack posts on either end. The span we want is 14 feet. Is this possible, or do we need an additional column and/or taller (8") I-beam?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Earthed 2: What song is playing during "John Cowan's Backyard"?

    In the mountain biking video Earthed 2 - what is the rap song during John Cowans backyard segment?

    2 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see the "Mini-St. Bernard" advertised in Marie Claire?

    This is really bothering me....

    I am a subscriber to Marie Claire because it's a fashion magazine that I feel is intelligent & admirable in the way it prints articles about women's rights and global issues alongside fashion news. With my December issue I got a luxury gift guide full of high-priced gift ideas... fun to browse until I got to this item on p. 29:

    Designer Fido

    A big, brandy-toting companion sounds great but won't fit in your condo. "Mini Saint Bernards" to the rescue! The recipe for this hip hybrid is top secret. ($1000,

    You'll see if you check out the website it's clearly a puppy mill of the worst caliber. I am so disappointed in MC I plan to write to the editor. She welcomes all feedback at Please join me in letting her know puppy mill hybrids are definitely not hip!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember those mukluk-style slippers that were popular like 12 years ago?

    They looked sort of Native Indian in style... they were knitted slippers with a thin leather sole, they went up to the top of your calves, and just had a string to tighten them. They usually had a design knitted into them. What were they called? Can you still get them anywhere?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Can a company restrict you from working anywhere in similar fields if you are terminated?

    My company has made a new employment contract that states, if we are terminated for any reason, we can't work anywhere in the field of metal-finishing for 18 months. This basically leaves the majority of us with no viable employment options in our field of education or experience. We're not sure if we should sign this, but the employer says sign or you can't work here. Can they do this??

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can an employer restrict you from working anywhere in a similar field if you are terminated?

    My company has made a new employment contract that states, if we are terminated for any reason, we can't work anywhere in the field of metal-finishing for 18 months. This basically leaves the majority of us with no viable employment options in our field of education or experience. We're not sure if we should sign this, but the employer says sign or you can't work here. Can they do this??

    8 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Pitbulls - BSL - it will break your heart...?

    Please watch this and comment. I had tears in my eyes!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the AKC thinking??

    This was posted on a dog forum I belong to....

    AKC just another money grab?

    Please read the following two emails, both may be forwarded. The AKC is viewed by many ordinary citizens as a lobbying leader and a class act in support of good health and breeding practices, and is long associated with dog fanciers who breed only for the betterment of the breed. Over the last several years, the AKC has used the public's perception to increasingly line their pockets with product endorsements. Is this behavior becoming for a 501c3 non-profit corporation? No more. The AKC is nothing more than a registry, and this week, even that has lost its starch. The American Kennel Club has entered into a contract allowing Petland employees to register puppies online at the time of purchase. I'll post more as it becomes available, and believe me, it will.

    Petland discount pet store?? Why would the AKC want to be affiliated with that?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How can I make egg rolls less greasy?

    I don't have a deep fryer so I usually fry them on a pan quickly in about a 1/4" of oil. They come out pretty greasy. What if I put them in the oven afterwards, would that dry them out a bit?

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is a good downhill biking magazine?

    I'm trying to find something for my boyfriend's birthday. He rides downhill, and I'd like to find a good magazine that he would enjoy. Not cross-country or anything, just downhill.

    2 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Dog hunches over, rear end is shaking, then suddenly stops? What is this??

    I am having a small panic attack....

    I was hanging out with Scout (shepherd mix, 5 months old) and she suddenly hunched over like she was about to poop, but then her rear end and back legs started shaking like crazy - she moved around like this for about 10 seconds and then suddenly stopped. She sat down, perfectly normal. We then played fetch, she ate lunch, and she seems fine. What was that?

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Retirees: How much money have you given yourself to live off of, and are you satisfied?

    I know there are a million online calculators for this stuff but I'd like real-person opinions.

    If you are retired - what age did you retire at, how much annual income did you allocate, and what level of "luxury" or lack there of has it given you? Just curious how my retirement plan compares to reality....

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • What should I do about my dog being terrified of the clicker?

    I wanted to try clicker training with our 5 month old adopted dog. When she heard the clicker, she backed off quickly even though I was trying to give her treats. I tried again and she ran and hid in a corner, clearly very distressed. She wouldn't let me near her with the clicker. She has never shown any fear of a noise or object, so this was really strange. Should I try to desensitize her to it, or just let it go? I would feel cruel doing that to her again, and I don't want to harm her trust of me....

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does "sweating out" a cold really help at all?

    My friend swears by this:

    When he feels a cold coming on, he drinks 4oz. of warmed up whisky (seriously), then bundles up in several layers of PJs and socks, lots of blankets, and sweats like crazy all night. He swears he wakes up healthy every time. What do you think?

    11 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Dog has allergies? Rash?

    Our dog has tiny red bumps all over her tummy and underside of her legs. No pus, but they are itchy and she scratches all the time. Vet said it could be a rash, could be allergies. Since the rash is localized on just one area (not on her whole body), does that indicate that it is NOT her food that she's allergic to? I assume a food allergy would affect her whole body?

    Any thoughts or experiences would help. The vet doesn't seem too concerned but I hate to see her uncomfortable... he said to give her a benadryl but of course I want to find the root of the problem too.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How many stocks should I carry in my portfolio?

    I am looking to invest long-term (20+ years) and this is my first time buying stocks. I have a medium to high risk tolerance. I will be initially investing $2500. The goal is growth for retirement fund.

    Wondering how many different stocks to buy with my $2500.

    Also, what would you say are good markets/industries to buy into now for maximum growth over the next 20 years?

    11 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Do you have a recipe for Santa Fe Spring Rolls?

    Otherwise known as southwestern spring rolls? They have chicken, corn, and a bunch of other stuff in them. SO delicious.

    What sauce would go in them - something creamy and spicy... any thoughts?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Christians, what makes you feel that your god is the right one?

    I read this interesting article from Please comment on what you think:

    If you believe in God, you have chosen to reject Allah, Vishnu, Budda, Waheguru and all of the thousands of other gods that other people worship today. It is quite likely that you rejected these other gods without ever looking into their religions or reading their books. You simply absorbed the dominant faith in your home or in the society you grew up in.

    In the same way, the followers of all these other religions have chosen to reject God. You think their gods are imaginary, and they think your God is imaginary.

    In other words, each religious person on earth today arbitrarily rejects thousands of gods as imaginary, many of which he/she has never even heard of, and arbitrarily chooses to "believe" in one of them.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Any Bryce Courtney fans (The Power of One)?

    What is your favourite book of his other than Power of One? Looking for something new to read...

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago