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ontario ashley asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What is the AKC thinking??

This was posted on a dog forum I belong to....

AKC just another money grab?

Please read the following two emails, both may be forwarded. The AKC is viewed by many ordinary citizens as a lobbying leader and a class act in support of good health and breeding practices, and is long associated with dog fanciers who breed only for the betterment of the breed. Over the last several years, the AKC has used the public's perception to increasingly line their pockets with product endorsements. Is this behavior becoming for a 501c3 non-profit corporation? No more. The AKC is nothing more than a registry, and this week, even that has lost its starch. The American Kennel Club has entered into a contract allowing Petland employees to register puppies online at the time of purchase. I'll post more as it becomes available, and believe me, it will.

Petland discount pet store?? Why would the AKC want to be affiliated with that?


Here is a letter between the AKC and a breed club about the contract. It sounds like they may have cancelled it under pressure. Good!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question, WHAT ARE they thinking!

    They are thinking of $$$. They are acting like a big business, non-profit my ***! This is still not nearly as bad as AKC crawling into bed with HSUS and DDAL on the PAWS deal, another possible big money maker for them.

    From what I understand, the Petland deal is dead. Much like PAWS is dead (for now) thanks to a small group of dedicated dog people.

    "Not your fathers AKC", no it sure ISN"T my fathers AKC! My fathers AKC was run by dog fanciers, for dog fanciers. The new AKC is all about the money, my fathers AKC would NEVER have crawled in bed with the likes of HSUS and DDAL! UKC is looking better all the time. Most of my dog show dollars are spent north of the border these days, the Canadian KC at least has some sense.

    Nor would my fathers AKC continue to have a very prestigious show in a city that has some of the worst anti-breeder laws in the country. Nor would my fathers AKC more or less ignore all the anti-dog legislation (unless it will make them $$$ like PAWS, in which they will gladly support it and sell fanciers down the river for $$$) EXCEPT for the crop/dock ban in their own backyard.

    Loki - maybe if AKC is so hard up for cash they should think about dumping their high buck Madison avenue building?

    BTW - there IS always the UKC. I would be willing to bet they are having record entries at there shows and will continue to grow as long as AKC continues to not work in the best interests of the dog world.

    Source(s): Show dogs, breeder
  • 1 decade ago

    As far as I'm aware, this idea was shut down thanks to breed clubs and responsible breeders banding together.

    From email on one of my lists:

    "At the September Delegates Meeting AKC reported that we had reached an agreement with Petland in order to facilitate the registration of dogs that are already AKC registrable.

    Precedence: bulk

    AKC’s Board of Directors and management believed that this agreement would have helped to further the mission of the AKC. Promoting responsible dog ownership to new puppy owners, implementing our care and conditions policies, and exposing more dog owners to AKC educational programs and services would have had even greater reach.

    In the past few weeks we have received many comments about this agreement, both positive and negative. We have listened to the concerns and because this issue has become so divisive, we believe it is in the best interest of our sport and the American Kennel Club not to go forward with this initiative.

    Ron Menaker, Chairman of the Board

    Dennis B. Sprung, President and CEO"

    Not saying it was a smart idea to begin with (it was NOT), but enough of us spoke out that it's dead in the water.

    The AKC is trying to compete with crap-organizations like the ConKC, APRA, etc. They've tried the "heritage and tradition" approach, but all most of the public can see is the bottom line (i.e. it's cheaper to register my poorly-bred puppies with the ConKC than the AKC). It's no secret that AKC registration is dropping as the puppy mills and BYBs go to cheaper, more lax alternatives.

    It's a can of worms. I don't agree with some of the AKC's viewpoints and policies, but on the other hand, I can see why they think they have to take some of these paths. Overall, they seem to me to be far more concerned about $$ these days than they are the welfare of the dogs. Yet...if they went bankrupt and didn't register would I have to content myself with registering my puppies alongside the Cash Cow "Poo" designer dogs and newly-, pointlessly-created fake breeds that the crap registries allow? And if the AKC wasn't around to sanction clubs and dog shows anymore, what would my dogs and I do for fun (well, besides dogsledding)?

    Tough call.

    More links to the whole AKC/Petland thing:

    Source(s): Dog trainer/handler/responsible breeder for 20 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    The AKC did enter into an agreement with Petland. However, it looks like the AKC got so much negative feedback that they are not following through with this and there will not be a partnership. Thank goodness, but scary to think it got as far as it did.

  • 1 decade ago

    It wouldn't surprise me if this was true... Because there are so many crap breeders out there and the AKC wants a piece of the action (money). I wouldn't bet against it that Petland gets some of their dogs from Amish... the all time a-holes of "breeding"!!! I will NEVER give the AKC a dime... I won't even register my Dane with them. They have been a $hit organization for almost 20 years now and are going even further down hill.

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  • tom l
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    I'll post more as it becomes available,

    It's all available, all you have to do is look.

    I can tell you this, tho', the fur is flying (pun intended)

    Our" Member Club Delegates" to the AKC are doing what we ask of them on this one

    Need to remember that the REAL power lies with the National breed clubs (each breed has one) not the AKC.

  • 1 decade ago

    hi have to agree.i had bought a dog at pet land ,not only was it sick they do not know anything about dogs.since then i have gotten into dachshunds{bought from reputable breeders}.i did not know the akc had sunk that low.however all my dogs are registered with that i know this I'm going to pass it on.the only thing i can think of to answer what were they thinking is maybe they think it will force pet land into stricter guidelines.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I highly doubt they are affiliated with that. It looks like a hoax post to get emails circulated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where did you get your information from? It may not be true........

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